Group cameras without position lost

I have a bigger scene, with some cameras and wanna group them to manage them better in the scene, because sadly you cant reorder the scene if not everything is in a group (a feature I want for the future... dear devs!)
When I now add my cameras to a group they jump around, is there a way to add Cameras or general items to a Group without the problem that everything changes the place? Or can I change it after grouping?
Sometimes I think, I fixed it with clearing the timeline.
Make sure Parent In Place is on - it's in the Change Parent dialogue if you use that, or for drag-and-drop itt's in the Scene pane option menu (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab).
I will test it when my current render is done. So far I remember I use always "Parent selected..." and there is also one Checkbox at the bottom, dont know if you mean that. I think that is something like "create persistent point at target". written out of my mind.
There is no Parent in place :(
Edit: I made now a empty group and then dragged the cameras in, Parent in place is active, so selecting all and then grouping is not a option :(
That seems to ignore the "parent in place" option.
That's not the "change parent" dialog, that's the "new group" one.
Yeah, but thats what I use mainly to Group, I have it on CTRL+G to Group easy.
Does work most times, but for cameras I will create a empty group and then drag all in, that seems to be a easy solution.