Default settings for Primitives

Ok, I've looked everywhere, and I can't find this answer, so if someone knows, please tell me. When you start Daz Studio for the first time, what are the default settings for the primitives in terms of size and faces, etc? Also, is there a way to reset the primitives once I've made changes? If necessary, would reinstalling Studio work?
I don't think there's a way to reset them via the UI, and I doubt a reinstalaltion would clear the existing values - I would expect they are in the Windows registry/Mac plist somewhere and uninstall/reinstall should leave that alone.
Well, shoot. Anyway to find out what they are by default? I seem to remember the cube is 1m x 1m, and the plane is 1m x 1m, but I got no clue about the cone, sphere, cylinder, or torus. :(
It is 1m all the way.
Excellent, thank you! What about segments and sides for the cylinder, cone, and torus, and major and minor diameter for the torus?
1, 12
1, 3
12, 24
0.30, 24, 12
Sweet. Thank you!