Scar 8 HD Installed but not showing up anywhere in inventory. Solved.

SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

[Scar 8 HD Installed but not showing up anywhere in inventory.] I found it buried in the content library. I do not know why it was not with all the other figures. I moved it and all seems to be working now.

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883
    I noticed that Scar 8 HD doesn't show up in Figures in Smart Content. The metadata category is incorrect. I already submitted a help request about that, but no response yet. Is the file also in the wrong folder in Content Library?
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    I found it in the Content Library and moved it over. It looks like the othe HD Add-ons now. The Vein Slider is messed up though.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    @Sigurd this thread is in Product Suggestions. Is that what you intended? You can move it by edting your first message.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    ...or I can move it to Technical Help, and edit the first post so the question is in the body of the post as well as the title (it makes it easier for people to follow, especially once the thread has replies so the title is scrolled up).

    How is the vein slider messed up?

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Just the icon. It is the middle one here.

    Vein Slider 2020-07-05.png
    756 x 481 - 165K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    Do you mean the fact that the thumbnail obscures the dial title?

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Yes. I know that is minor. It seems to work ok I only pointed it out because all the others looked good that it stands out. 99% of my Daz content is top notch when it comes to quality that when something like this pops up it seems so glaring.

    I purchased the Scar 8 Bundle and the Seok Hair does not work well for me also. It has bald patches that I would normally fix by adjusting scale a little but I can find no provision for scale on this item, even after adding G8M Fit Utility.

    How would I go about submitting ticket for this? I personally am only minor irritated by this but I fear others may be more so.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    Fill out a help request using this link Daz 3D Help Center. Log in with your Daz store credentials so you don't have to mess with Captcha. Direct your report to Technical Support, rather than Sales (in the drop down boxes in the form).

    I also bought the Scar 8 bundle and I have already submitted several help requests about problems in the bundle. For example, both Seok and Sidd hair have dForce parameters, but both hairs fail simulation and report an error. Sidd hair doesn't even fit the two extra characters in the bundle (Kargath and Hugren). I haven't checked Seok hair for fit after the dForce failure, but I'd guess that it has the same problem, based on your comment. Please submit help requests about your problems with Seok Hair and the obscured text on the Veins dial. 

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Tickets submitted.

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