DIM installation errors since the DIM update - Carrara content
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just updated...
all settings are same and accesible...
Accessible? Meaning it works fine for you?
Have you tried Richard's advice from that thread?
I did the update before. I'll have to test to see if it works for me. If not I'll be trying Richard's advice.
Working fine for me - hope you get it sorted !
might be similar to an issue I have where I cannot write every file to my E drive since an update, can some not others
googling my error
was no help
annoyingly my entire not DAZ content library and all my iClone content is on that disc and it is not accepting most additions but let me copy pictures and other things, not obj or iProps etc
all my downloads are on it too so very frustrating
I can read from it fine
even stupider I can easily write to the drives on my other computer over WiFi but not that one plugged in!
OK interesting, 3DXchange could not write to it but dropping the iProp saved elsewhere into iClone I could save to it, weird AF!
Maybe check into drive E properties? Is it getting old? Almost full? Write protected (accidentally, I mean)?
well I ran checkdisc etc on mine and it's all good, some things load perfectly on it, it's also permission error, I have gotten on occasion on it.
Checking permissions all users etc enabled and sharing too, my other computer sees it on the network.
Size does matter, it used to be a FAT disc but I reformatted it to NTFS so maybe a legacy from that?
it is my oldest drive but much newer ones died, this one keeps going.
I just wrote a bunch of stuff to it today and it rejected two pictures, happily loaded a huge HDRhaven pano right afterwards, just weird.
Try doing those things that don't work in your above post, but writing to a different drive. I'd be willing to bet that the drive is the culprit - or at least what the writing software is not happy with. I am very leary to storing vital files to older drives - except when I'm retiring the drive, I'll use it to back up some data before I shelf it and replace with something new.