Morphs in Shaping Tab not showing?

myutogarumyutogaru Posts: 60


I recently had trouble with DAZ causing me to have to re-install the program

DAZ.exe is currently installed to my C: drive with my DAZ content Library mapped to D:/My DAZ3d Library

This has never caused me problems before, I have always had my daz library mapped to my secondary hard drive with the .exe being installed to my C: drive

however as soon as I had to uninstall and reinstall it started causing problems. Now content that shows INSTALLED in both DAZCentral and DIM does not load properly, and even though I've used this directory for years DAZ is now unable to find certain textures that I know are there.  For example, I tried to load DAZ Dragon3 and it asked me to locate the texture files in Runtime directory. I located the files however after loading into the scene a dialoug still popped up saying "Missing files" with a button prompting "Install Selected" for DAZ dragon. I clicked install, deleted dragon from my scene and it asked again to "Install Selected" when I tried to load him into the scene again.

Also another occurence is all my Morphs disappeared for G8F/G8M in the Shaping Tab. I went through all my installed content in DAZCentral and it says "Open" under the G8F Body/Head Morphs and also ShapeShift for G8F/G8M. So they are clearly installed however DAZ is not recognizing.

I recently combined all my directories because I had C:/ My DAZ 3d Library along with E:/ My Daz 3d Library and the D:/My Daz 3d Library . I went into my Content DB Maintenance and removed the unused directories thinking my content would load faster, but now I'm missing content. Does DAZ need a content directory in the same drive as the .exe is installed? Would I need to do a clean install? I'm genuinely lost at what the problem is considering I have everything that's "missing" downloaded in the same directory I've always used and I combined my directories so even if they were moved from one directory they are now in the same directory (being D:/ My DAZ 3d Library)

I'd very much appreciate some help as I've been breaking my head trying to get this program working again for nearly 2 weeks now


Post edited by myutogaru on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    There should be no issue, I suspect part of your problem may be that you are not using the default paths and Daz Central does use defaults. Check that DIM is isntalling to the content directories that you have set in DS, and that those are the directories with your content.

  • myutogarumyutogaru Posts: 60
    edited July 2020

    will just do clean install then thx

    Post edited by myutogaru on
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