Fuzzy Screen and it isn't my eyes

Hey all!
I just put together a new computer with an RTX 2070 and it's hooked up to an LG 27inch 1440p monitor. Everything looks great except Daz. For some reason Daz looks funny both in full screen and windowed mode. Anyone have any ideas what is causing it? Thanks.
It's not just you. I think its Post SSIM that permanently makes everything look blurry. I posted this issue on the forums and submitted a ticket as well. So far resetting render settings back to default doesn't get rid of it.
So if anyone is reading this, I suggest not trying out Post SSIM at all.
My problem turned out to be my font setting. I turned the font on my PC to 150 so I wouldnt have to squint. Every other program is fine with the font increse but Daz does not like. So I just reset my font to 100 before starting daz.