What are 'Elevated Permissions' ? SOLVED

Hello there,
I am a returning user. I've just unistalled then reinstalled the latest DAZ 4 but when I tried to open it I get a dialogue box saying..
DAZ studio cannot be run with elevated permissions
Is there anyone who can help me out with what I need to do?
Thank You.
Post edited by BCMan on
Sounds like you're on W10? -- run D/S normally {not as Admin.}.
Yes I am on W10.
I have right-clicked on on D/S Selected properties and entered shortcuts and the 'Run as Admin' box is unchecked yet I am still getting the same dialogue box appearing.
Okay, then simply clicking [or double-clicking] on the Desktop icon to launch the program should not be giving you that dialog.
How did you install DS? (DIM, DazCentral, standalone installer)
I installed it from DazCentral (and I am feeling very sorry I ever updated it from 4.10).
Is UAC on (do you get the security prompt when isntalling new software)?
Yes the UAC prompt appears each time I try to open DAZ.
Daz Studio? That shouldn't happen, it isn't requiring elevated permissions. Please post a screen shot of the prompt.
My apologies for responding late. It seems I cannot post screenshots but this is what the UAC prompt says...
User Account Control
Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?
DAZ Studio Application
Verified Publisher: DAZ PRODUCTIONS, INC.
File origin: Hard drive on this computer
Program location: "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZSTUDIO4\DAZStudio.exe"
Sorry for the wait.
Double-check that you are not running this as adminstrator, it is possible to have the shortcut set to do that. DS in regular use will not produce a UAC prompt so something odd is going on.
I right-clicked and checked the 'Properties' and the 'Run as administrator' box is unchecked, but the admin logo is still on the corner of the DAZ icon.
Was it maybe installed in a place which is only accessible to admins?
Maybe uninstall it, then reinstall it for "all users" ...
Great news all.
I got it to work !!
I right clicked and entered properties then went into the 'Compatibility' tab and unclicked 'Run as Admin'.
Thank You all for your time :)
. Thanks for the update.