Wanting to use hair on a Genesis 1 bulbous-head morph

Okay, this is probably a long shot.... but I'm looking for a way to adjust a regular Genesis 1 hair to fit itself around an eggheaded-alien head morph.  Specifically, the head morph is Medhue's Big Brain Morphs over at ShareCG.  Anyway, I've tried several different hair, checking which ones have adjustment morphs, but while a lot of them have means of making the hair wider, taller, and stuff... all but one of them wouldn't let me make them taller at the top, or expand outward and back at the upper top of the head...

Anyway, it made me wonder if there was some sort of universal add-more-morphs-to-the-hair thingy for Genesis 1, sorta like we have Fit Control to add more adjustement morphs to clothes, and we have  ways to adjust the hair to hats....  Or, barring that, is there a way to override the size and position of the hair's scalp, such that the rest of the hair expands accordingly?


  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,409

    Okay, this is probably a long shot.... but I'm looking for a way to adjust a regular Genesis 1 hair to fit itself around an eggheaded-alien head morph.  Specifically, the head morph is Medhue's Big Brain Morphs over at ShareCG.  Anyway, I've tried several different hair, checking which ones have adjustment morphs, but while a lot of them have means of making the hair wider, taller, and stuff... all but one of them wouldn't let me make them taller at the top, or expand outward and back at the upper top of the head...

    Anyway, it made me wonder if there was some sort of universal add-more-morphs-to-the-hair thingy for Genesis 1, sorta like we have Fit Control to add more adjustement morphs to clothes, and we have  ways to adjust the hair to hats....  Or, barring that, is there a way to override the size and position of the hair's scalp, such that the rest of the hair expands accordingly?

    One can make "projection morphs" - these are morphs of the figure which are invisible but cause the clothing/hair/whatever to shape around them.

    Tutorial found in this post: Click here.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883
    edited July 2020

    You could try parneting the hair ot the character instead of fitting to the character. Then try scaling in X, Y and or Z axis and translating in X, Y and or Z axis to position the hair in the right place. It might be tough to fit a bulbous shape, though. Have you tried adding a smoothing modifier to the hair and setting it to collide with the character, once you get the hair close to the right size and shape?

    Post edited by barbult on
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