Moving cats in the scene makes their legs move

I set out to test the various cats that I have.  I put them all in to one scene and went to line them up like good kitties, but some were quite disobedient.
I know.  Cats.    :)
Moving these cats left or right with the Translate Tool makes their legs swing like they have been blown that direction:
Toony Cat
Toonimal Puss in Boots
Millennium Puss in Boots
Millennium Cat
DAZ House Cat

These kitties behave:
Hivewire House Cat

I created a fresh scene and the same cats misbehaved.  One cat in the scene by itself will swing it's legs.  The amount of movement of the legs can vary each time they are moved.  I did find that I could move them in Parameters / xTrans without their legs flying around. 
I haven't seen anything like this before.  Is there some setting I am missing?
I am using DAZ 4.12.1 and Windows 10. 


DAZ House Cat 1.png
59 x 89 - 6K
DAZ House Cat 2.png
86 x 81 - 11K
Toony Cat 1.png
125 x 199 - 20K
Toony Cat 2.png
140 x 208 - 39K


  • Dim ReaperDim Reaper Posts: 687

    I had the same problem not long ago.  It is because Daz added inverse kinematics to daz studio.  To turn it off, select the figure and then go to:

    Edit > Figure > Inverse Kinematics and untick the first two.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    As Dim Reaper says, or .. just use the sinel X, Y, and Z translation 'arrows' on the selected tool (universal or Selection tools (and NOTthe dyal ZX, XY, etc, 'corner triangles of the Universal tool), or expand the root node of the figure and delet teh 4 IK chain items that are exposed.

  • AncientWireAncientWire Posts: 126

    I turned off Edit / Figure / IK and the legs still sweep away.
    I have been moving them with just the arrows on the translate tool.
    I have never seen the IK chains before.  Deleting them seems to do the trick!

    177 x 208 - 48K
    282 x 207 - 27K
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,627

    Poser 7 used to drive me nuts with this!

  • Dim ReaperDim Reaper Posts: 687
    Helene said:

    I turned off Edit / Figure / IK and the legs still sweep away.
    I have been moving them with just the arrows on the translate tool.
    I have never seen the IK chains before.  Deleting them seems to do the trick!

    Sorry to hear that turning off from the menu didn't fix this, but glad to hear it pointed you in the direction of IK chains and you managed to fix the issue.

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