I made this thread for cupboard, who is having Problems with his Renderperformance. See
Cupboard, i made some Screenshots on my own to show how its looking on my PC when i Render in CPU or GPU Mode. you can see in the GPU Render Screenshot where you can change the Graph to Cuda(the CUDA Cores on your Graphic-Card are the ones who do all the work when you render). When you render with your GPU it should be at around 100%. When you Render using your CPU, what i think is the case, your CPU should also be working at max with a speed of around 4.5Ghz. in your screenshots its only at 45% with around 45% useage. Thats what i dont understand and mean by something is odd.

many thanks for this Arks i shall take a look into it tonight and get back to you. 5pm uk time
thanks Arks. however i think i'm more confused than i was 2 hours ago. :)
some results. i found the cuda monitor but other than running an OC soak test
it hardly twitched the graph. please see the screen shots. you are clearly right about
the 'dumping' or 'fallback' if the gpu can't handle the render requirements.
as for the cpu usage, i have no throtle back or usage restriction in place so
i don't know why that 'shouldn't' be running at full tilt. i'm fairly sure
it did when i was testing things before i started this run of DAZ useage.
the only way to verify that would be to re-install windows from base again.
as you probably know the only other settings to question would be the
windows setting for power and video handling or the nvidia panel
[screen shots] and i always leave those in default settings.
"caution your gpu is getting hot" - yeah funny how the manufacturers own utility
fails to know their own card has NO fans! it's a Palit Karm X because i record
audio in this room to so no fan noise. not a 'fan' of software from
card manufacturers but i thought i'd take a look to check for hidden settings.
solid state PSU for the same sonic reason.
it has been a while since i gave everything a clean start. i might do a total re-build
and get shut of stuff i don't use much. like hexagon/bryce/two or three versions of blender
etc. could be some older system ini files are holding things back
thanks for your time and input Arks
keith nash [cupboard] {my first home studio was built into a cupboard! it became 'cupboard productions'}
haha i like that DAZ has taken the image down as it constitues a 'tutorial'
haha what do you want me to do charge 100 bucks an hour for teaching the world to sing - ffs
Hmm.... i am also confused. Can you make a screenshot of a CPU Render ,with taskmanager open, that is running for a while like i did? i would not dig further in the GPU side, the scene is just to big for the GPU. One thing about iray is that it needs all the textures etc in the Video Memory at once. if the scene is 4.1GB it will not use your Cuda Cores/Graphic Card.
4Gb isn't much VRAM so you have to really optimize to get scenes to render on it.
51 and 71C are not that hot. You really need some airflow though so make sure whateever case fans you have to blow across the card.
As to why your CPU isn't running full tilt when rendering, what is it? It could be something technical to the CPU or Daz mightbe getting limited from using some cores/threads by eiother Windows or some other software.
thanks ken, 4gb 2.5/3 years ago when i built the machine was VAST'. i was never worried by the temp. i have 4 fans on board 1 front panel 120 mm 2x 80 mm on rear and the superb nocturn
on the cpu - na, what pulled me up was that the software supplied didn't even recognise the sinario for the model! as for your last point - yip - that's why we inevitably reach the 'START AGAIN FROM A BLANK DRIVE'
and a usb stick. what windows should do is [as they have partially] provide a reset to factory WITHOUT forcing a 3rd party reinstall. which for is is considerable due to all the music/film/3d/artwork software i have in.
the plugins for the music can tajke days to re-activate - IF THE MANUFACTURERS ALLOW ENOUGH KEY USES. do i sound annoyed? coz i am. yes i have a system image and no it's no solution
for the most up-to-date 'impression' of windows as the build and many othet things have changed since i last spent time making an image. what leave it running to do it automatically? - are you insane?
what if it trys to jump in while trying to do a render? or a recording etc. it's just more junk to take up cpu power in the background.
hi Arks, same as that really - no point - it's quicker to flatten it and start over than to try to track an trace problems. if i'm efficient i can usually get windows in and all the basics done in about a day.
last time i did the whole thing it took 4 days!
meanwhile - that'll be 100 bucks from everyone reading this because according to the capitalits folks at DAZ THIS IS A TUTORIAL APPARENTLY.
hi arks, 2 weeks! to flatten all drives with killdisk and download an re-install all software. now i'm not diving straight back in but i did look into the cpu usage.
at which point i opened my case to see if i could see anything untoward. low and behold - the main cpu fan was static. 6+ years of using the might
Noctura cpu fan on 3 different machine itterations it finally gave up the ghost. now it's either been burbed out by having top run
at full speed for renders or the small ROM chip had benn corupted or it was the coating of nicotine oil. whatever i now have a replacement fan that works perfectly again.
i suspose what i should do is to re-run the exact same project file and look for differences - but really? i can't
even think i want to get back into it so frustrating had it become.
hi again arks - this is probably what YOU were expecting to see. thanks again for the steer in the right place.
i now owe a LOT of money to relatives for the next 6~12 months and no prospet of saving toward an i10-9900k
based machine on a z490 m/board. however what this does make me think is that the base cpu is far less important to 3d work and i could therefore aim more at an i3 or i5
with 2 gpus and still get better render times out of that than a large i7/9/10. which, belive me, coming from a more audio orientated point of view
makes contrary sense to MY normal world [i.e. the bigger the cpu the more plugins you can run simultainiously]
iRay is specifically CUDA accelerated. It runs many times faster on Nvidia GPU's than it ever will on any CPU. The only serious limitation is you need one CPU theard per GPU.
For the kind of money you just spent, I wished you'd asked first, you could have gotten a ryzen 5, a 2600, for enough less than that 7700k to have gotten a 2070 or 2070 super. But c'est la vie.,whole%20lot%20of%20difference%20but%20it%20is%20there.
there is, soz, hi ken, there has been a plethora of stats studies into the 'best for what' regarding computing. i did point out that my main computer building has focused on
audio production for the last 35 years as it happens. amd, to me have a history of not being 'all that good'. now i know there are very many who claim their part of the pie works best
and that will always be the case. "i have a dream" a computer capable of all fuctioning possibilities to the max at all times and requires NO updating/upgrading
but can from the outset 'learn and adapt' as it requires it. that i believe is a human brain. maybe A.I will move us on - however
i once bought an acer inspire laptop for 800 dollars. a kings randsom in my world. it claimed it was a 2.8 amd - it was in fact only running at 800mghz and the 'marketing' was
a falsehood based on misinformation. the laptop got virused 3 years later and is now in bits in my attic - it will never run again nor i have anything to do with acer OR AMD.
the "c'est la vie" is indeed correct. technically you are without doutb right however as there is no eans to turn back time in the words of the song
we are where we are. if we both come back in 20 years time and we are struggling with gpus that cannot handle a true 3d reality and glitches
when it needs to model virtual rain running down a virtual drain or that nasty little breeze catching ones ear then... we won't have really moved on will we.
just for fun.
my current spend
38 Thermaltake Litepower 550W PSU
379 PNY GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER 8GB Graphics Card
417 total
your recommended added spend
350 AMD Ryzen 7 3700X AM4 CPU/ Processor with Wraith Prism RGB Cooler
80 ASRock B450 PRO4 AM4 DDR4 ATX Motherboard
847 total
extra spend 2
480 PNY GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER 8GB BLOWER Graphics Card
-397, +480
930 total
or there abouts. and a total change of computing hardware
First, I'm recommending nothing without full knowledge of your needs. Second you're using a year and a half old article as the basis for your article. That's a geologic age in tech.
Third you bought a 7700k how much did you OC it? If you didn't you got ripped off. K means unlocked for overclocking. 7700 is the exact same chip for less but not unlocked. With a base of 4.1 and a boost of 4.5 based on your posted Task Manager results that's base. Why would something like a R5 3600 have been better? You'd have paid $350 less (roughly) and gotten 6c/12t at 3.6 base/4.2 boost. Depending on which audio software the more threads would be better and if you need more clock speed then you might have been better with the 7700k but you'd need to oc it to realistically justify that much money.
But purely from a general computing basis there is no doubt the 3600 would be superior at a much lower price. But you have what you have. I'm not suggesting switching.
Hi Cupboard, just wish to let you know that this Daz's Iray render solely attacking CPU issue is a widely occurring issue among many Daz users, it's definately not you or your system. happened to me last week, still having it, found a way around it but it's not a good solution.
Iray is build by Nvidia who export their tech as a plug in other 3D tools like Daz/CC3/Sychro4D , yet DAZ is the only tool I know absoluately fail at iray rendering. When Nvidia open their port as API to these stuidos, it's the stuido developers' job to write propoer codes to manage system resource distrubition, so far my system has no problem at CC3's iray render. I'd recommand to open a ticket with DAZ's support team. Hope this issue can be addressed with Daz's next update.