What's the difference between SubD0-D4?

I'm not quite understanding what SubD is. To my understanding, it's the number of polygons in a object/figure but if the SubD level were to go down would it significantly lower object resolution. Can someone give me a side by side comparison or what not.
If you purchase a HD figure morph, set the subD to 3 or 4, you'll probably see all the pimples, pores, etc. Basically a difference like a plate of rice compared to an empty plate.
SubD is subdivision surface. The idea is to "refine" a mesh by producing a denser version where new vertices location is based on mathematical equations. Usually each polygon is replaced by 4 polygons for each subdivision level.
SubD level 0 is the original mesh. SubD level 1 subdivides the mesh once, ie each polygon of the base mesh is replaced by 4 polygons. SubD level 2 subdivides the base mesh twice, and so on.
Here's an example of the results: a = base mesh, b = subdivided once, c = subdivided twice, d = subdivided 3 times
SubD divides the base mesh (called the cage) into small polygons, and smooths the shape as it does so - turn the SubD level on a single facett cube up high enough and you end up with a sphere. Each level of SubD splits the existting plolygons into four, so at level four you have 4*4*4*4 (that is, 256) polygons for each initial polygon.
An HD morph can move the vertices at the corners of the additional polygons, up to a certain level (usually three or four) to provide extra detail. A standard morph acts only on the cage mesh
Got it, thanks!