MRL dForce Long Morphing Hair for G8F - viewport kludge wanted

i've tried using the above-named hair a few times...
...and while it seems to be very detailed and configurable - and a MASSIVE power hog, using almost 1gb of resources for a single unclothed figure plus the hair - in the viewport it only shows an untextured silhouette which makes adjusting the finer details a bit hit-or-miss. (see pic)
i have other iray-only hair sets (e.g. Dallas Pigtails, Various Age Bob etc.) which do display texturing in the viewport, unlike this set.
rendering seems ok and i'm guessing it's all installed correctly, so i was wondering if anyone knows of any trick or hack to make it a bit more workable during setup and pre-vis, that won't break it for the final render.

Strand-based hair is, as you noted, a resource hog, so the viewport preview is set to minimize the load. However, you can add more detail from the Parameters tab -> General -> Simulation -> Hair-Pre Render (PR) -> Generate and Preview PR Hairs ON, then Line Tesselation to 2 or more (higher means more facets -> more resources needed for preview). You have to go down one level, usually, in the hair's hierarchy to expose those parameters (I don't have that specific hair, but that's how they all seem to work).
ok, that's just what i wanted. much better. thanks!