Help migrating to the same machine!

So, I have a slightly challenging question. My PC is starting to act up, random issues with the system itself, not Daz. Anyway, I want to reset from scratch and restore only a portion of what I have in Daz. I'd like to restore only those things that I created, basically want to start over in Daz. Most of my content was installed externally, the packages were done not using the installer. I'd like not not reinstall the majority of the content, just the areas I created.
I've backed up all my data, runtimes, data, all of it. Do I just restore textures under runtime or is there other areas I should do. Geometries seems to be somewhere else, but I don't see user defined Geometries.
No idea what backup software you used but weveyone I'm aware of lets you restore selected directories or files. Just search for the files you created before you do the reinstall of windows and then you'll know where your stuff is.
just cloning the files I have the files on a usb but not sure which I need to restore I know textures but think there are other files
Search for the names!
There's no such thing as "user defined Geometries" — you set the Runtime location (or use the default), and the Geometries and Textures folders must be inside that.