Shaping -> editor bugged, fail to target single body part.

So I only had 40ish hours with Daz, and got this annoying bug won't go away.
As shown in pic attached, for example, when I select the right arm to edit, the arm in shaping tab shown gray on the right arm I selected, and the editor window on the right refuse to recongize the part I selected and force me to morph the whole body instead.
Now the only way I get pass this is to open those gray tabs one by one which is super inconvenient and very time consuming
I don't know what triggers this bug, but it's surpemely annoying and won't go away after I restasrt the program or restart my PC, Any debuging advise?

3840 x 2025 - 1M
What are you trying to do with the arm?
If by chance, you have migrated from Poser, the morphs in DS are not used/found under the individual parts of the figure, but under the main figure.
You only need to select individual parts for moving the part (bending/twisting)
You need to select the part you want to morph in the Shaping panel (or you can scroll down through the morphs shown on the right to the morphs for body part you want to modify.
Click the triangle beside Genesis 8 in the Shaping panel to show the individual body parts, select a part, and morph away.
Daz 3D Tutorial: Shaping lets you morph and combine figure attributes
Thanks folks, the problem is resolved. By the time I asked this question, I figured single body part morph is in "parameter" and overall scale is in "shaping", that day I only had 2 hours of sleep and it seriously affected my memory, I mistakenly thought I was using blender.