Zeroing out some morphs for saved morph

I want to make a single-dial morph that controls a characters breast shape for different kinds of clothes—one for a sports bra-type compacting support, one for a regular bra, one for no bra or little support. I know how to make morphs by dialing in morphs I've bought, saving the character as a level 0 .obj, then bringing the saved file in on an unmorphed base figure. I also know it's possible to "subtract" morphs from the end result (e.g., if you want to make a morph for Vicky 8, you can export her, model the changes and bring it it while removing the Vicky 8 part), but I don't know how. (Set the morph to -100% after importing?). What's that process, and is it possible to "subtract" only some of the morphs? 

This is for personal use only, not for distribution in any form. 


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,908

    Remember that doing this will break any JCMs or MCMs that make the breasts look better in combination with other morphs/posing.

    Reverse Deformations in the options fopr a morph in Morph Loader Pro will subtract the effect of any currently applied pose or shape. To be more selective about what loads use the Attenuate options - either going by groups or by a weight map for a dForm currently applied to the model.

  • Is it possible to make a blank morph that acts as a controller for other morphs? Something like Sports Bra that loads a zero-level base G8F and then applies various other morphs that flattens and constrain with a slider? 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,908

    Yes, apply the morphs you want in effect when the controller is at 100%, right-cick in the parameters pane and set it in Edit Mode, right-cick in a parameter group and Create New Property, name it etc., once created set it to 100%, right-cick on it>ERC Freeze, check the list of Sub-components and deselect any interlopers, Accept and you should have your controller.

  • Thanks! Since this involves a half-dozen morphs, it's going to be a bit annoying, I suspect, but worth it.

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