Zeroing out some morphs for saved morph

I want to make a single-dial morph that controls a characters breast shape for different kinds of clothes—one for a sports bra-type compacting support, one for a regular bra, one for no bra or little support. I know how to make morphs by dialing in morphs I've bought, saving the character as a level 0 .obj, then bringing the saved file in on an unmorphed base figure. I also know it's possible to "subtract" morphs from the end result (e.g., if you want to make a morph for Vicky 8, you can export her, model the changes and bring it it while removing the Vicky 8 part), but I don't know how. (Set the morph to -100% after importing?). What's that process, and is it possible to "subtract" only some of the morphs?
This is for personal use only, not for distribution in any form.
Remember that doing this will break any JCMs or MCMs that make the breasts look better in combination with other morphs/posing.
Reverse Deformations in the options fopr a morph in Morph Loader Pro will subtract the effect of any currently applied pose or shape. To be more selective about what loads use the Attenuate options - either going by groups or by a weight map for a dForm currently applied to the model.
Is it possible to make a blank morph that acts as a controller for other morphs? Something like Sports Bra that loads a zero-level base G8F and then applies various other morphs that flattens and constrain with a slider?
Yes, apply the morphs you want in effect when the controller is at 100%, right-cick in the parameters pane and set it in Edit Mode, right-cick in a parameter group and Create New Property, name it etc., once created set it to 100%, right-cick on it>ERC Freeze, check the list of Sub-components and deselect any interlopers, Accept and you should have your controller.
Thanks! Since this involves a half-dozen morphs, it's going to be a bit annoying, I suspect, but worth it.