What's the best way to save head and body shapes separately to use to create new looks?

Hi All,
I have so many characters in my content library and I love mixing and combining head morphs and body types
to create new and interesting characters. You know, by adjusting morph dials.
What is the best way to save a head shape? I try saving just the head as a shape and try to check only the boxes that
pertain to the head when the dialog box opens, but there are sooooo many boxes to choose from. Which ones need to be selected?
Of course I want to save the head, face, eyes, ears mouth and expression. I also just want to save
a body shape and again, there are too many to choose from and sometimes I get more that want I intended on getting.
Please advice. This has troubled me for years and I never knew how to explain what I was trying to do.
Work with one part at a time, i.e. let's say the head. Apply the shapes for the look you want [no expressions]. Then save as a shape preset. In the dialog, unselect Genesis, then right-click and select to check all that has been changed. Look through the checked options and unselect anything you do not want included, save.
Expressions can either be dialed in having made use of the rigging OR morph expressions. Pose presets will save poses done via rigging. Morph expressions would again require shape presets.
I do that quite often and I like to have only one slider for the head morph and one for the body.
To start with the head, put all the morph sliders that affect the body to zero and leave the on that affect the head untouched. Put Mouth HD and Navel to zero and switch to Base resolution. Scale should be to 100%.
Export Head_01 to obj. Clear the scene and load an unmorphed (base) character.. Use Morph loader Pro with Head.obj as file target. Now you have created a slider that mophes the head . See if it works. Put it to zero, then save as a morph asset. Before doing this last step, I'll usually adjust rigging to shape.
Load you intitial character and zero the head but leave the body intact. By repeating the same previous procedure, you'll create a slider that morph only the body. Hope this help.
Do bear in mind that you willl lose any links to corretive morphs doing this. A better way is to create a new master slider and use that to set the individual morphs: