More Space Aliens (with specifics), And More!

SelcoeurlSelcoeurl Posts: 0
edited July 2020 in Product Suggestions

So...I wouldn't even be sure where to start on making my own models, but I like the weird.  Specifically: I want to make space aliens and fantasy beings which aren't really supported right now.

This thread and this one discuss one item on my fantasy wish list—just some kind of multi-armed base that's not the Dark Lord (although, hell: if someone made more skins, morphs, and options for the Dark Lord, along with a "Dark Lady," I'd accept it). Sure, there are a lot of naysayers; but a huge repertoire of skins and poses probably isn't a necessity as long as there are some.  What I suppose I'm getting at is that I'd like kasathas and skittermanders without having to fuse multiple copies of G3 or whatever together.

Extra eyes, or additional face morphs with extra eyes, would be another nice addition.  So would getting back that prehensile tail.

And while this seems mundane by comparison?  There doesn't seem to be a male SkinBuilder; and the only tibial leg prosthesis that seems to be available is the one which comes with the Griff bundle. That's kind of disappointing.

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