Animate 2 Mastery bug. Please help!

Ok so the problem I've been faced with for the past few days is a very annoying one where I have 2 genesis 8 characters in the scene interacting with eachother. When I try to make aniblocks for their timeline keys, their animation becomes slightly inacurate causing the two character's contact periods with eachother to look different and poorly animated when I animated it perfectly.
I know that creating the aniblock throws off the animations because certain parts of one characters body are going through the other's whereas I animated it to not do that and to look realistic. Furthermore, when I move to the starting frame after I make them aniblocks, both characters appear to have moved slightly forward changing the position of the starting frame and probably the whole animation since the whole animation is innacurate.
Has anyone got any suggestions?
So why convert to aniblocks if you have a perfectly working keyframed animation? Sorry I know this was not very helpful, sounds like an interpolation issue and I'm not familiar enough with animate2 to be able to guide you through the steps. Frankly, I never use aniblocks for this very reason, they rarely work as expected, and converting timeline animation to aniblocks will mess up timing/interpolation. And I have yet to see a convincing transition between two or more aniblocks.
Animate 2 has a lot of bugs - when converting from keyframe to timeline figures will usually jump a small amount no matter what you do, its annyoing but its something to factor in to your workflow.
However - they will jump a lot if you have any figure scale thats not 100% (the greater above or below, the bigger the jump)
For scene position always make sure figure transitiopns and rotations are 0 on all axis - To convert movement and scene positions use the figure Hip only.
Animate 2 primarily modifies the keyframe positions of bones and morphs etc by storing their values, so if you modify an animation in Animate 2, you're adding values to the original keyframe values. The Animation is done by calculations instead of real world cordinates - so when you convert the keyrame values into animate2 it will add those values, effectivly multiplying them. This is why sometimes its easy to over morph figures or bones etc becasue the aniblocks have values in them that stack up.