Smart Content vanished


All of my smart content vanished. I can find it all in Content Library but that isn't a lot of help.

I've tried:
* reimporting metadata, but nothing changed
* stopping and restarting the CMS
* rebooting

Anyone know how to fix this?

Screen Shot 2020-07-09 at 4.21.51 PM.png
1544 x 1966 - 272K


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,881
    You have filter by context checked. Does anything show up if you uncheck that.
  • poormojopoormojo Posts: 28

    Great question! If I uncheck "filter by context" nothing shows up.

  • poormojopoormojo Posts: 28

    Okay I think I fixed it. I deleted the CMS and then reinstalled postgres from Dim. And then reimported all the metadata.

    That seems to have worked.

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