only cpu rendering is working

Hi, Let me ask you two questions.
First, I configured the rendering system by connecting two graphic cards with NVLINK.
I think hardware connection, Nvidia control panel configuration and DAZ rendering hardware setup was fine.
During rendering, it turns out that only the CPU is working but the GPU are not working in the Windows Task Manager performance monitoring.
Looking at the log file, I think it was done with GPU, but I'm not sure if it fits.
I attached the log file up to the rendering process. There is rendering related information at the bottom.
I'm wondering if the GPU rendering is correct and if the rendering speed comes up to my hardware performance.
And compared to my computer performance (AMD 3700X, 32G Ram, Nvme 500G 2 Raid 0 configuration, 2070 Super Dual NV Link)
Program loading speed or item loading speed seems to be too slow.
Even in the process of loading a simple character, the message "Not responding" is always displayed.
It takes about 30 seconds for the viewport to appear in texture shade mode.
If you look at the log file, there is a lot of Warnning messages in the middle of the program startup, but I don't know if it matters.
Anyway, please advice

The log says both GPU's did the render. The reason for the slow respones of the UI are all those warnings and errors.
While it is clear you have SLI enabled, so the NVLink is working, it is unclear if NVLink is active in DS. Once you get the issues with your assets straightened out you should try building a scene that won't fit in 8Gb and see if it renders with both cards.