Vigilante Outfit for Gensis 3 female auto fit to Genesis 8 female

I am trying to autofit the Vigilante Outfit to a character that is based off of Genesis 8. The jacket hangs the computer for a moment but eventually fits. The other items except the boots fit fine. The issue with the boots is that the poes of the character's feet will will be adjusted automatically to form to the original shape fo the boots, but tip of the toes downward of the boot will be pushed down below the shape of the character's feet. The character's toes will protrude out of the boot. If I manually adjust the boot to match the foot it seems fine except the the size of the boot appears to be. The foreground boot position is the result of AutoFit, the background boot was adjusted manually but still doesn't fit quite right.
Any suggestions on how to fit these boots to my character?

Hide the feet, I would think, unless you are planning to use transparency maps on the boots to make them partially see-through.
Footwear never really autofit well. best to use native footwear instead.
Thanks for the suggestion. I give that a try.