Multiple gpu limitation question

Hey all. Ive been out of the game for quite a while now (around 8 years). Im a hobbiyst in terms of skill and gear which leads me to my question.

I was a poser user for years and had just started using Daz before my hyatus. 8 years later a lot has changed. Im actually still running the same rig from when i stopped

FX2 phenom 6 core 3.2 ghz 16gb ram asus 990fx mobo.Handels what i need it to do but my question is video card. I run a quadro k1200 for my display card and a second in tcc mode for rendering. they are both 4 gb cards which is small for iray. if i were to add an 8 gb quadro m4000 to the mix would it help? Or am i limited by my smallest card for iray if i try and render 6gb of vram it would fall back to the cpu correct??


  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805

    No. Each card is independent, mostly. So an 8gb card will render even if there is a 4gb card that doesn't.

  • No. Each card is independent, mostly. So an 8gb card will render even if there is a 4gb card that doesn't.

    So if im to understand correctly the 8gb card will take over and the 4gb card will not contribute to the render at all?? 

    Sorry if this is a dumb question still trying to wrap my head around it.

  • 31415926543141592654 Posts: 975

    Good day, in the rendering settings you can specify which card Studio will use for rendering ... so it should not be a problem. Reserve the smaller card(s) for your monitor.

    By the way, The M4000 is a bit bigger ... make sure your power supply can handle it before spending the money.

  • Good day, in the rendering settings you can specify which card Studio will use for rendering ... so it should not be a problem. Reserve the smaller card(s) for your monitor.

    By the way, The M4000 is a bit bigger ... make sure your power supply can handle it before spending the money.

    when i built the system i figured for fututre as much as possible it has a 700w ps. My processor only draws 95w  then with ram and sdd my total draw is only about 400 watt total.

    On the video card question front would i need to disable the smaller card before i render or will it just ignore it since the scene wouldnt load on to it??

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,908

    No. Each card is independent, mostly. So an 8gb card will render even if there is a 4gb card that doesn't.

    So if im to understand correctly the 8gb card will take over and the 4gb card will not contribute to the render at all?? 

    Sorry if this is a dumb question still trying to wrap my head around it.

    If the scene actually fits into 4GB and both cards are enabled then both wil be used. if it fits into 8GB but not 4GB then only the larger card will be used. If it doesn't fit into 8GB then neither card will be used.

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