CPU renders instead of GPU (Sometimes) RTX 2070 Super

Hi there guys,
i have already looked into topics on other forums but i did not find a solution that helps me with my problem.
I have set everything in DAZ Studio to render with my RTX 2070 Super does not take the rendering part.
First the CPU goes up to 100 % usage while it is writing the task, normally it goes back down to a minimum of 10-20 % to support DAZ.
But sometimes it just stays at 100 % usage and is rendering the scene, this takes than for an eternity 2-4 hours to finish. (instead of 15-30 Minutes)
Currently i am working on a scene again that only the CPU will render and i don´t know why.
I just looked into the Log File:
rend warn : renderer iray has no more devices available. Postprocessing falling back to CPU.
2020-07-10 12:21:56.069 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Emitter geometry import (199 light sources with 131k triangles, 1 instance) took 0.004s
2020-07-10 12:21:56.070 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Updating environment.
2020-07-10 12:21:56.447 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Updating backplate.
2020-07-10 12:21:56.448 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Updating lens.
2020-07-10 12:21:56.448 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Updating lights.
2020-07-10 12:21:56.448 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Updating object flags.
2020-07-10 12:21:56.449 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Updating caustic portals.
2020-07-10 12:21:56.449 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Updating decals.
2020-07-10 12:21:56.475 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Allocating 1-layer frame buffer
2020-07-10 12:21:56.494 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Using batch scheduling, caustic sampler disabled
2020-07-10 12:21:56.494 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Initializing local rendering.
2020-07-10 12:21:56.547 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Rendering with 1 device(s):
2020-07-10 12:21:56.547 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : CUDA device 0 (GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER)
2020-07-10 12:21:56.547 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend info : Rendering...
2020-07-10 12:21:56.547 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.2 IRAY rend progr: CUDA device 0 (GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER): Processing scene...
2020-07-10 12:21:56.779 Iray [VERBOSE] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.3 IRAY rend stat : Geometry memory consumption: 983.577 MiB (device 0), 0.000 B (host)
2020-07-10 12:21:56.780 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.3 IRAY rend info : Using OptiX version 7.1.0
2020-07-10 12:21:56.835 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.3 IRAY rend info : Initializing OptiX for CUDA device 0
2020-07-10 12:23:11.582 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(353): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.3 IRAY rend error: Unable to allocate 16777216 bytes from 3647076 bytes of available device memory
2020-07-10 12:23:11.727 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(353): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.2 IRAY rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER): Scene setup failed
2020-07-10 12:23:11.852 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(353): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.2 IRAY rend error: CUDA device 0 (GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER): Device failed while rendering
2020-07-10 12:23:11.865 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(353): Iray [WARNING] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.2 IRAY rend warn : All available GPUs failed.
2020-07-10 12:23:11.903 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(353): Iray [WARNING] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.2 IRAY rend warn : No devices activated. Enabling CPU fallback.
Which device memory does he mean? My graphic card RAM or the my general RAM?
I guess it means that the Memory usage is too much for the graphic card and thats why it falls back to the CPU hmm. Anyway i can solve this and rendering a complex scene anyway with the help of the GPU?
You need to reduce the overall VRAM consumption. The easiest way is to reduce the size of the textures. There are several tools in the Daz store for that.
I like Scene Optimizer
Hi there,
thank you for your answer. I just remembered that i had bought the Scene Optimizer before but did not remember that.
I tried it on the scene and now everything works fine. Yeah!
Thank you very much for your help and time.
Have a nice friday
Also, you can disable CPU Fallback in the lastest DAZ Studio update in Render Settings --> Advanced. That should prevent IRAY from falling back to CPU.
Hi Dafa,
wow that´s nice i will search for it and try it when my current render is finished. Thank you.
Thanks again i found the button to disable the fallback. I guess it will abort the render now instead of falling back, but that is fine because i can now look if i can change something or if i will take the CPU to render the scene as a last resort.