
Hello! I've been expirencing issues with IRAY render. Still can't figure out what's going on with that nor recieving any help. My new issue now with this update is that my files aren't being recognized when clearly they are located exactly where they need to be. Upon launching DAZ I have the genesis 8 male load and It loads perfectly and is in the same location as my other files but when I try to load a different character this is the message that comes up. Any suggestions as to what may be the problem?

Voila_Capture 2020-07-10_07-04-27_AM.png
420 x 140 - 14K
1 - So the problem is specific for ? it worked before you upgraded ?
2 - I assume you do have the Ashan 8 character ? (or you bought a character (Abesi,Astraeus,Ytar,Dacre...) based on Ashan 8 and do not have the Ashan 8 base character)
3 - So the other character you try to load is based on Ashan 8 and has worked before ?
4 - And you have checked that you do have the c:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Male\Characters\Ashan 8.duf file ? (depending on OS and where your content folder is of course).
Yes to all the above except my files reside in a shared folder and not documents.
How did you install?
Manually mostly, I've used DIM for when there are updates.
I'm still having problems with Here is a character (Denton G8 male) IRAY RENDERED in DAZ with no problems. 13 minutes tops to completetion with nothing else in the scene. I tried to render Denton in and I get a BLANK. Also, I am still having an issue where some files are recognized and others are not in Denton resides in the same folder as another G8 male Ashan but I can't seem to load him and others because "Couldn't load, the file is not found" error message comes up. Does anyone know what could be going on here? By the way. Ashan didn't load in either. Same message came up.
Thank you!
Can someone PLEASE EXPLAIN to me why? can render in IRAY perferctly but fails rendering in IRAY. I've changed nothing but upgraded to the latest software. I'm running MacOS El Captain 10.11.6. Files are not being recognized and won't open as well. "Could not open file: /people/genesis 8 male/chracters/___HD.fuf File does not exist". Checking and rechecking things all content is where it is supposed to be. Some Characters load others do not. Nothing but pure hell since i've upgraded to the latest softwaware.
Regarding the "missing files" error:
Because of the feud between Apple and NVidia, the driver needed for the latest Iray version is not available for MacOSX. DS is the last version which will render on GPU in MacOSX.
How can I revert back to DS
Submit a ticket explaining that you're on a Mac and need the older version.