Can't reset/delete animation to 0 frame no matter what I do

Animation system in Daz is supremely annoying. yesterday i tried to extract 1 frame from an animation, made 10 scene(single frame scene) out of it and saved. little did I know even after manaully deleted the animation block from the bottom, Daz still carry over the entire animation duration to all 10 scenes I saved, now all my 10 scenes' starting point became the first frame of the animation instead of at the frame I saved, and without keyframe data(animation block is gone) I can't relocate my scenes! took me 7 hours to make those and now it's all gone.
Any gurus on here have any idea how to reset/delete animation so I won't carry them over to my saved scenes? And why Daz's animation system has to be so annoying?
I'm not following what it is you did, or have now.
So say if you trying to capture one move from an animation as your character's pose then trying to adjusting it, and if you had other characters or objects on the scene, everything will became a mess once you started to reload the scene. The scene will not start from where it was originally saved, but rather start from the 1st frame of that animation. Hope that makes sense now
Yes, but I'm understanding the steps you took. To save a pose from the middle of an aniamtion use File>Save As>Pose preset an select the current frame only option, then you can apply that to a figure.
Never had problem to save a pose, it's just running an animation on a character would completely ruin everything else on the scene if you saved it as a scene. As far as I aware there's no restore/reset shortcut button to delete a block of animation chain, which is super annoying and ruined 8 hours of my work.
Problem resolved, I had to go to timetime and set total frame 1 to range 1, that finally deletes all the unintentionally added keyframe that should've never been executed wtih every objects & characters on the scence, I can't believe they haven't added an animation reset button after all these years, thanks for the help anyway
I agree and have made the same point in the past (as have others). There should be a way to save out a single frame from anywhere in the total animation timeline without having to contrive a workaround.
Or have a new save option that doesn't carry over a single character's whole animation chain that clash with others', most of time "save secne subset" saved many hours EXCEPT animation.
In the Pose Preset options dialogue that is already there (and is the default option):