Installing Vue content with DIM

I have various bits and pieces of content for Vue, purchased from the DAZ store.
When I try to install them, DIM reports 'Install Failed', and puts up a dialog that says "This package requires one of the following application paths to be defined." The dialog has three pulldown menus -- Name, Version, Bit -- which are all blank, and a path selector.
I'm running Vue Creator R5, which is the latest Vue version. I've tried to set up Vue as an application in the Advanced Settings->Application pane (where Vue Creator is not an option; the choices seem to stop at Vue 2016), but that doesn't seem to help. The pulldowns remain empty, and nothing I can do seems to make a difference.
Setting it up to install to Vue 2016 (which I also have) doesn't seem to help either.
Is there an approved way to use DIM to install content to the current version of Vue, or would I do better just to unzip the zip archives by hand and install manually?
Apparently this is a known bug, so you may want to install manually until a fix is released.
Thank you!