Michael 4 to Genesis 8 Converter?

What is the best converter (if there is one) that will convert the bones, textures (eyes, nails etc) of Michael 4 so I can use hair, clothing UVs and poses etc for Genesis 8?
I already have a clothing converter (which I have not tried yet.) ...and I have a 3delight to Iray converter that works really nice.
I tried to use Genesis 8 hair on Michael 4, thought maybe auto fit might work;
The hair did not appear on top of Michael's head but behind it and the navigation sliders would not move the scull cap in place.
A character converter from Generation 4 to Genesis 8 would be perfect. (hopefully avoiding all of the steps in between.)
Thanks in advance for any help on this. :)
Post edited by RexRed on
Also, converting Michael 4 hair to Genesis 8 might be worth a try I don't have a converter for that either.
You need this to use M4 textures on G8M: https://www.daz3d.com/legacy-uvs-for-genesis-8-michael-4 (You'll need to resave the material presets in .duf format first)
There's no direct tool to convert morphs from M4 to G8M, but you can use GenX2 and its add-ons to convert them from M4 to G3M, and then Character converter or Xtransfer to go from G3M to G8M.
Does anyone sell a M4 character that has been converted to Genesis 8?
I am wondering if buyng the converter is best for something that I might only need to do once.
I am sorry but I am a bit confused. Can the M4 textures be converted to Genesis 8?
In the genX products I don't see any mention of gen4?
In reply to the bit I've highlighted in red: From the Genesis Generation X2 product page:
Genesis Generation X2 (short GenX2 or just GenX) transfers morphs from legacy Poser figures to Genesis figures and between different versions of Genesis.
The GenX2 plugin includes support for the generation 4 Poser figures (Victoria 4, Michael 4, and Kids 4) as well as for Genesis (version 1). Further figures are supported by add-ons sold separately. To transfer morphs from or to Genesis 2, the GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 2 is required.
So yes, it does natively transfer gen4 characters and/or individual morphs to Genesis "1". To get to Genesis 3 you would need that Genesis 2 AddOn and the Genesis 3 AddOn.
I doubt anyone is selling converted gen4 characters.
The product I linked doesn't convert the textures per se, it modifies G8M so he can use M4 textures.
GenX2 doesn't need an add-on to support gen4 figures, that's included in the base product. You'll need the G2 and G3 add-ons to convert gen4 morphs to G3 though.
Tools like GenX are worth the investment if you want to convert a lot of morphs. If you're converting only a single morph it's also possible to do it manually but it's not that easy.
Thanks Leana and MelanieL, I think it is definitely worth the investment too. I am just having trouble getting my brain wrapped around this. I will read and reread this until it clicks though. This help is very much appreciated. I love the Michael 4 character... I need to get Genesis 8 hair to fit him... Then, in a lot of cases, I can just use him as is. :) I will invest in all of the GenX converters. Then I can try stuff out and learn first hand (with some help). It would be really nice to see Michael 4's geometry and skin in Gen 8 stuff too. Again, many thanks!
Let me get this straight... (I hope you don't mind me asking.)
I can take any Genesis 8 character, apply the GenX script and then I can use Michael 4 textures on them and the Genesis 8 character will have Michael 4 face and body morphs?
When do I apply the Michael 4 skin texture to the Genesis 8 character? After I apply the GenX script on the Genesis 8 character?
There are separate products that can let you use your textures. https://www.daz3d.com/legacy-uvs-for-genesis-8-michael-4 will give you a remapped UV and geografts for those areas that are not shared by G8 and M4.
Okay, I bought it GenX2 was full price... Sometimes you got to splurge. :)
Now I got to learn how to use it :)
Okay, I am live on YouTube now! Search for "rexredhowto heart thrones" on YouTube and you can chat with me there.
I have Michael 4 loaded into a scene and Kasper Genesis 8 male and I installed Genesis Generation X2 and I can't seem to locate it anywhere.
I would like to make Kasper look like Michael 4 I dialed Kasper's character morphs to zero.
Any help there on YouTube now would be much appreciated.
My live stream on YouTube is in glorious 4k! :)
I would really like to learn how to do this, thanks in advance!
How did you install it?
I installed it though DAZ Install Manager
I don't have a GenX pane showing or in the list. :(
I just tried installing Genesis Generation X2 installing manually 64 bit version for Windows and it is still not showing up in the pane list options.
Did you enter its serial number? First, check Help> About Installed Plugins, it should tell you the status of the GenX2 plugin. If you didn't enter the serial number, the serial number should be in your Account of the Daz3d web page in the Serial Numbers. Copy it and paste it in the appropriate place in About Installed Plugins. Restart Daz Studio and the tab should appear.
Oooo, I will look that is very helpful! Thank you Nemesis!
I am sort of having progress with GenX2
But the drop down menu for Target only offers "Genesis" it does not specify which Genesis.
I have been following YouTube tutorials and when I get done there is no GenX folder under Actor.
"Genesis" is the first one.
Did you buy and install the G2 and G3 add-ons for GenX2? You need them to be able to convert to Genesis 2 or 3.
Hello Leana, thanks a lot for your considerable amount of help here!
I see these two products
I hope they are the ones and there is a bundle too, maybe I will go for that one.
I already have the character converter from Genesis 2 to Genesis 8
and the character converter from Genesis 3 to Genesis 8
I think I will be able to master this with a lot of practice.
Is it better to convert M4 to Genesis 2 or Genesis 3 before converting to Genesis 8?
Now there is the question of: La Femme Pro - Female Poser Figure, La Femme Base Figure - Included in Poser Pro 11
Before I got really working a lot in Daz Studio I bought Poser 11 and the Noah L'Homme figure which is based upon the La Fem Pro figure
Is this La Fem figure based upon any of the Victoria figures?
Is there a way to convert Noah to Genesis?
I should probably start another thread for this but I thought I would inquire here first.
I will pop in and say that if you have the two add-ons, you get the ability to go from m4 to gen 3. You have to get to Gen 2 or Gen 3 to make the final conversion...as long as you have the appropriate final converter, it probably doesn't matter since G3 and G8 share so much of the same topololgy. There is no way to go from Noah to Genesis; they are completely unconnected. La Femme has nothing shared with Victoria; two different competing companies.
Some of the possible converters:
Yes, they're the ones I was talking about. There's no bundle AFAIK.
There's no set rule. Sometimes it works a bit better if you go to G2, other times converting from G3 works better, it depends on the character.
No, it's a totally different figure.
Not that I know of.