How to copy figure pose accurately?

Hello. I make scenes with fully clothed and shaped characters. However, in order to make scene creation more manageable, and less laggy, I often pose my scenes using bare figures (dummies) first, then I import the fully clothed/shaped character and put them in the dummy's pose.
I try to use copy figure on the dummy, then I use paste figure pose on the character, because I don't want to lose the character's shape (dummy is base shape). This doesn't seem to work even remotely well, though. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
What I would do is create Pose Presets from each Dummy Figure...
1. Select a Dummy Figure in the Scene Tab, then in the Main Menu choose: File >Save As >Pose Preset
2. Enter a File name for the Pose.
3. In the Window that opens next, make sure "Current Frame Only" is Selected and note that the Figure shown can be Expanded to reveal all of the Pose Controls, Transforms and Translations that are about to be saved...
If you start expanding everything under the Figure, if you know what you're looking at there are tons of things you could Un-Check as it seems to include most or all of the Pose controls in your Library as well as Translations and Transforms for every Node/Bone whether there is a Value set differently than Default or not... Not sure how impactful to File Size, Loading Times, etc. all that extra info might be... or if there will be un-wanted parameters that will change the final Figure.
4. Choose Accept.
Try it with one Dummy and then apply the Saved Pose (Should be located in the Smart Content Tab under Saved Files >Presets >Pose, or in the Presets Tab of the Posing Tab under Saved Files >Presets >Pose) to the intended Figure and see if there's anything that causes unintended changes to the Figure and if so, try to look again through that Hierarchy when you go to save the Pose Preset to figure out where the offending parameters are, if possible... Or post a screen of the Figure to see if anyone can help figure out what might be causing an un-wanted change.
Thank you. My apologies, I do that already. The problem though is that I fill up with pose presets, and would prefer to do it using a method that doesn't leave a save file, which is why I was hoping that maybe I was just using 'paste figure pose' incorrectly, or something.
If copy and paste figure is not working then I suspect either that some of the pose controls you are using are not in fact set as Modifier/Pose (which would affect presets too) or the morphs you are using are themselves modifying the pose (one example that comes to mind is the youth posture property in Zev0's Growing Up sets, compensating for the default sway-back). If you try copy and paste between two figures in the default shape does that work? If not it would suggest the former issue, if so the latter.
That's a good point, thank you. I'll have to try it again and see. I think it's also affected when figures are parented to something vs when they aren't.