Urab Sprawl 3 Daylight/Nightlight options not working

Has anyone else had issues trying to load either the daylight or night time options that come with Stonemasons Urban Sprawl 3?
The error I get when trying to apply the light setting(s) states; An error occurred while reading the file, see the log for more details
The below is what is detailed in the log file;
2020-07-12 10:15:28.962 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): recv failed errno=10054
2020-07-12 12:46:46.545 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): recv failed errno=10054
2020-07-12 12:53:30.805 File loaded in 0 min 0.1 sec.
2020-07-12 12:53:30.805 Loaded file: us3 multi layer road surface.duf
2020-07-12 12:53:47.991 WARNING: QFont::setPixelSize: Pixel size <= 0 (0)
2020-07-12 12:58:58.327 Loaded image DTHDR-RuinsB-500.hdr
2020-07-12 13:00:38.729 Invalid hierarchy for selected node(s) and "preset_hierarchical_material" type; no root(s) found.
2020-07-12 13:00:38.730 Error reading file, see log for more details.
Any advice would be greatly appriciated.
Each of the 5 blocks has a 3DL version and an Iray version and each Iray version has two lighting presets. Are you using the right preset on the right block?
That error means you're trying to use a hierarchical preset (ie a preset meant to apply to a main item and various items parented to it) with either nothing or the wrong thing selected in the scene.
Did you load the actual block before using the daylight or night time preset?
Firstly I load the actual block, then select to daylight and nightlight presents. I tried all of them, but I'm still getting the same error.
Just to make sure!
Load US3Block01 Iray
Select us03Roads01 in the Scene Tab
With us03Roads01 still selected, go to the Materials section and apply US3 Block1Nightlight
And you get this