Is there a way to teleport an object to another object?

Let's say I want an object like a Phone that's spawned into the scene at zero position...and instead of me manually dragging the phone across the scene to a Gen 8 character I want the phone to magically teleport to the G8's hand. Is there a way where I can specifically "teleport" the item to their hand and then I'll handle the rotations and whatever need be.
Use the Align tool.
Parent it to the hand, then zero all Trans/Rot settings (Parameters> Menu> Zero>). Then position it.
How would I use the Align Tool to do what I want?
Thanks, I'll try it out!
1. Open the Align pane (from Windows -> panes)
2. Set the X-, Y-, Z-Axis menus to "Align:Centers"
3. Select your target node, for example the G8M hand. It should now be listed as "Keynode" in the Align pane
4. Now use Ctrl-select to add the prop or props you want to move to the selection
5. Click the Apply button and done!
Cool thanks!
I have a different method but i'm not sure it will work all the time:
1) Make sure you have your Gen 8 selected in Scene Tab, and Parameters tab (where X Y Z rotations etc are) is your active/selected tab
2) Hit CTRL + C
3) Now select the phone in scene tab
4) Hit CTRL + V
This should copy the X Y Z position and rotation of the Gen 8 to the Phone. You would have to align the phone manually to hand, but you don't have to drag it through all the scene :D