export morphs from G8F to G8m?

Hi, is it possible to copy the Glutes morphs from this product somehow to G8M?
Just for the glutes, for the legs do I have bend control and brests arent needed.
Temptesta3D in the Renderosity store has Bumtastic G8M which has glute squish morphs. And, of course, https://www.daz3d.com/glute-control-for-genesis-3-and-8-male
I have Glute control but it have not a "flat maker" so far I see.
Bumtastic is the right product for you then...
it does sadly not show any panel images only results, I have no idea how to control it, I hate it when peopls dont show all stuff -_-
The product is a series of morphs/poses. You probably want to access them through th shaping tab Actor>Hip>Real World>Bumtastic> and enter a value for underpush to get flattening. If you need more flattening, you can click on the shiping morph's gear and change the top limit from 100 to 150%. The poses are also accessible as a straight forward pose in the pose folder. Give me 20 min and I will alter the render I am doing to show you the effect.
well, Glute Control is in Poses and Bumtastic is in Shapes... all move stuff wild around >_< and Bumtastic is only G8M, Squis is only G8F, I hate those Gendering... can the peoples not make it for both :(
Grabbed Bumtastic and... its not really making it flat :/
Well, in the real world, we have both men a women's clothing sections in stores and there are things like gynocologists who men never visit. You ca adjust the limits if you need the morph to be extremely flat or add a dformer.
thanks for the promos but... sadly not what I did hope to get :<
What are you attempting to do exactly? Most of the morphs that exist are trying to do something natural. Could you describe the sort of scene you are trying to create?
A push effect on the butt from a slapp :D Mainly animateable, Meshgrabber is not animateable. And Glute Control have not a 1 click morph so I assume using a lot sliders would not give a good effect, and D-former... is nothing I use much, also don't know how good Dformer is for Animations.
Ah, I see.. I was going in a totally different direction. That is a real specialty kind of thing....
Well, I assume not that special :D Happens a lot times on the streets, in discos etc ;) Stranger Man's who give a woman a slapp on the butt (unwanted) ;)