Unable to install or uninstall most files - Mac Catalina

I've contacted support about this, but thought I would share it here as well.
Everything was running fine until I tried to update Daz Studio. I kept getting "Download Failed" errors. I thought I would try to do a fresh install instead of an update, but Install Manager wouldn't uninstall the old files. After many attempts and trashing all of the Daz files on my system, this is what it boils down to; almost every file I try to download gives me a "download failed" error. Eventually I figured out that I need to restart the download (from where it left off) several times until the entire file is downloaded. Then, because I did not set it to automatically install downloaded files, I go to the Install pane of IM, but it will not install most of the files. The few that it does install (e.g. the tutorial files) it will not uninstall. Attempting to cancel and install or uninstall operation causes IM to hang, at which point it needs to be force quit. I thought this might be a problem with permissions settings, but that doesn't explain why some of the files are installed without a problem. I've had no problems on my other system, which is running Mojave.
MacOs Catalina changes how folder permissions are handled & after installing certain OS Updates some of your Home Folder permissions get changed to restrict access (Apple calls this a security measure but it causes no end of problems).
To reset your Home Folder Permissions see This Page and scroll about 1/3 of the way down.
Also check your Security Settings and make sure that DAZ & DIM both have Full Disk Access.
Doesn't work, but thanks. Note, a couple of the files did install, so i doubt it's a permissions issue.
On widows 7 after a reinstall of my operating system I am having to reinstall everything, I am having this problem too. I tried manually dl and install the program and IM to make sure the folder permissions were ok.
What the error log says is that it's an SSL issue/error. I have no idea what that means in terms of fixing it. Were you ever helped with this?
(edited for spelling)
An SSL error means that it can't establish a secure connection to the DAZ Servers, The first thing to check would be to make sure your Anti-virus/Firewall isn't blocking IM and/or Daz Studio
You could try turning off SIP (System Integrity Protection) & see if that will help. I wouldn't normally recomend doing this as this disables a major part of the MacOS Security System.
You can read more about what SIP is & how to disable/enable it HERE, But you if you want to try then do so at your own risk as with SIP disbabled system files can be modified.
I just got a new computer windows 10 and am getting the SAME PROBLEM. Similar case. I am finding out a lot of my files do not install, such as Michael 4 freak and Mafioso set to..purchased on sale! Not even manual install works
Where are you looking for them? Those are Poser-format products so they will not appear under Daz Studio Formats in the Content Library pane.
I'm currently unable to install my new purchases via DIM on Mac OS Sierra as of tonight. Worked fine a couple of days ago.
DIM gives me a Download Failed! status for each item.
The DIM Log file shows this error: WARNING: Network Error: : SSL handshake failed
I'm mystified as to what's going on. I've restarted the Mac and even downloaded and reinstalled DIM (it was the same version that I had been using.) No joy.
Any help on getting DIM to work properly again would be most appreciated.
Are you running any type of firewall or anti-virus & have you used any system cleaning software like CleanMyMac?
Thank you for jumping in, PlatnumK! I've discovered on a couple of other threads that other Mac users are having the identical problem. It appears that there's a back end issue in play here, perhaps?
I truly appreciate your assistance!! :)