Geometry Editor question

Hello all,
I bought this product: mostly for the lantern. Unfortunately, the wire handle can't be turned so that a character could actually carry it around. The attached screenshot shows the handle selected in the Geometry Editor; that part was easy...
Rather than just hide the existing handle and try to cobble up some kind of replacement that would turn, I figure it should be possible to use the Geometry Editor to set it free. Is there a way to do it?
Thanks in advance,
Blind Owl

1920 x 1080 - 312K
Now that you have those polygons selected, create a new surface and face group with them. Then, go to Edit -> Object -> Rigging -> Convert Prop to Figure, with General weight mapping. Go into the joint editor (alt+shift+J) and create a child bone to the bone you just created; the rotation axis isn't super critical for this part, but personally, I'd probably use YXZ. Use the Y start point to make the bone start where the pivot point of the handle should be. Once that's done, go to the weight map editor (alt+shift+W), select general weights, right-click inside the viewport and Geometry Selection -> Select by Surface (or Face Group), and select the handle. Right-click again, Weight Editing, Fill Selected with 100%. Now rotate the handle bone to make sure the bone is in the right place, and adjust as needed.
Thanks, Gordig! I've never played around with weight mapping, but now's a good time to try (can't do much else these days).
I just did it myself for that prop (FYI a lot of PC+ props aren't rigged, even if the product is nothing but props), and you'll want to set max rotation to about 315 and min to 0.
Blind Owl
Wow... cool! Thanks for the tips.... Care to post a render of a character carrying the lamp?