Camera Optimizer

It has been three hours already and the progress bar is at 70% slowly crawling along.
Camera Optimizer is deleting about 800,000 objects from Ireal terrain that are outside the camera's peripheral view.
It would be so much easier if I could simply lasso these objects with the mouse and hit the delete key or draw a square around them and delete them.
Daz really needs the ability to toggle and select multiple objects/instances and delete them manually.
I hope this functionality will be available soon.
These scenes are simply too full of stuff. It is nice to have worlds available like this but what PC build can really currently handle them?
And to delete the unnecessary stuff is, well, time consuming.
I am hoping that after I delete 800,000 instances that maybe I will be able to do some animation.
I just bought UltraScatterPro 40 bucks, ouch!
I am hoping that some feature within that program will help my 12 core 24 thread I9 and three 1080TIs to be able to manage a small subset of this environment.
What are you all doing to optimize scenes with thousands of unnecessary instances?
I have memory selected in the render options and the maximum bitrate set to 20 in the render settings.
The PDF file on the Ireal animation addon is 5 pages long.
The PDF files for my drone are both 100 pages long each and there are two PDF files one for the drone and one for the hand controller.
What is nice is that Ultrascatterpro has a 28 page PDF Woo hoo!!!
This is not as bleak as it seemed at first.
Between then video for the Ireal Grass and Meadows the animation part at the end pretty much everything is covered.
I guess it really doesn't need a 100 page PDF the 5 pages were packed with a lot of stuff.
I loaded a full scene with near and far planes full of scattered instance and I could not even move my camera an inch...
After hours of fidgeting, I found if I just load the near plane and add some lights and a skydome then I am able to work with it as is.
(This might have been covered in the video.)
I really love this product, it is very well made and has a ton of uses, and I am very glad I purchased it.
The lights are REALLY superb, and the grass blades and patches can be used in so many many applications.
As are the skydomes very spectacular for lighting.
The content folders are set up well, great organization there.
It has renewed my interest in animation.
Now I just need a room full of computers with hundreds of graphics cards set to network render.
Or maybe Microsoft will give me a few hours on their super computer each week, for free. :)
This product also led me into the use of Ultrascatterpro! WOW what a useful tool!
My brain goes wild just thinking of all the things I could do with that!
Especially redistributing instances on just about any surface. It is both complicated and simple at the same time.
There is so much redundancy that if I can learn one application with ultrascatter really well, it seems it will mimic other useful applications.
Especially placing instances were I want them and leaving a place where my characters can pose without grass coming through their feet and elsewhere.
It seems like a lot to learn just to fix that but it is worth it I think.
Then I can put many thousands of objects where I want them and exactly how I want them.
I am so excited about this, I am going to explore the endless possibilities with Ultrascatterpro! What an amazing product!
It is nice to have both the Ultrascatter ability and also have such nice models to scatter from the IReal Grass and Meadows!
Simply amazing!
I have hours and hours ahead of me to learn all of this but that is exactly what I intend to do!
Best peeps!