Daz to C4D /Octane sclera and cap issues

Hi all,
Im having issues daz character to C4d/ Octane with the sclera and I believe the little black marks on the forehead is the cap but I am having no luck. There are limited tutorials on the web, Ive followed advice from the ones I saw but it didnt work out. Does someone have any suggestions? I appreciate it!

daz cap eyes.PNG
1731 x 606 - 1M
I am no expert by any means, but when I was experimenting, if I remember right, the way I fixed those kinds of issues was to lower the ray epsilon settings by a lot. So if it is set to say 0.003 for example, set it to 0.000003
Cap flecks are often fixed for me by setting "instancing optimization" (under render settings) to "speed". Another thing that seems to help is making sure your character is near the 0,0,0 point of the scene, so parent everything in your scene to your character and just shift her to the center.
edit - on second look, I just realized you're talking about C4D/Octane, so that's probably not very helpfull. :(
You need to adjust opacity on those surfaces, because that doesn’t seem to transfer over from DS.