Remove all simulations from Figure

I need some help with the simulations you can use for objects and figures like Gen 3 and 8

I ran some dforce simulation on some cloth (or a plane acting as cloth) yet for some reason my Gen 8 model was caught in the simulation as well.

I use the 'Animated (use Timeline Play Range)' in the settings tab since that one worked better for the cloth, though i am not sure if this makes any difference.


I just want to remove all simulations from the Gen 8 figure, yet nothing seems to work. I tried all the options from this thread:

but my Gen 8  figure is still animated. I don't want to loose the pose i put her in since it was quite difficult to get her in there.

So my main question is how to remove all simulation settings from a Gen character... or even all simulations from all objects, since even the 'Clear' option in the Simulations tab doesn't seem to work.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,890

    If Start From Memorised Pose is on then the figure will go from that (usually the zero pose) to the final pose - you could try selecting the figure, when it is in its proper pose, and then Edit>Figure>Memorise>Memorise Figure Pose.

  • eshaesha Posts: 3,255

    Go to the frame that has the pose you want. Save the pose to the library, and make sure there is the current frame checked in the Save dialog, not the entire animation.

    Then you can select the figure and go to Parameters > Options > Clear Animation > Clear Figure Pose.

    If that puts Genesis back into default pose, you can re-apply the pose you saved previously.

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