Guide for "custom" installation of DAZ Content?

WsCGWsCG Posts: 391
edited July 2020 in Carrara Discussion

So, at some point, I know I saw a guide on how to setup a custom installation structure for DAZ content in Carrara. Now I can't find it. Isn't that always how it goes, though?

I've tried doing it myself at times, but instead of a clean, organized structure, I end up with folder structures inside folder structures and it gets really messy and disorganized.

Effectively, I'd like to be able to add top level folders to Carrara, and beneath each folder would be that categories options, each in its own subfolder. This way I can just go directly to the content I want, without having to dig through a bunch of sub-folders to get to it. So, for example, say I have a "Figures" folder, beneath that I'd like to have distinct folders for Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Victoria 4, Victoria 6, etc. I don't want to have dig down through 2 or 3 folders before I can reach those.

Utilizing Smart Content would be great, though I've never been able to get that to work in Carrara.

In any case, can someone share the link to that guide? Unless I'm crazy and it doesn't exist? lol...


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