Why Does Mesh Grabber Changes Not Save in the Scene?


I have Mesh Grabber add-on.  It is pretty cool, but the changes I make with it are never saved when I save the scene.

Is this how Mesh Grabber works, or is there a way to changes those morphs it creates when you save the scene?



  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,503


    I have Mesh Grabber add-on.  It is pretty cool, but the changes I make with it are never saved when I save the scene.

    Is this how Mesh Grabber works, or is there a way to changes those morphs it creates when you save the scene?


    It is probably like Dforce:  if you want persistance, you probably have to export the altered geometry as an obj and make a morph of it.

  • I just tired it on a item of clothing and it saved fine. What mesh did it not save on?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,879

    They save with the scene for me. You'd better give more details about what you are doing. Something must be unusual.

  • neomanneoman Posts: 75

    I used it to morph a Genesis 8 character.  Afterward I saved the scene as usual.  When I go back in after closing the Mesh Grabber morphs are gone.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,879

    I used it to morph a Genesis 8 character.  Afterward I saved the scene as usual.  When I go back in after closing the Mesh Grabber morphs are gone.

    Did you just use the basic Mesh Grabber translate, or did you use the rotate addon? Was it G8F or G8M. What is the base or a specific character.  I'll try to duplicate your problem as close as possible, so the more details you supply, the better. Do you have any before/after screenshots?

  • neomanneoman Posts: 75
    barbult said:

    I used it to morph a Genesis 8 character.  Afterward I saved the scene as usual.  When I go back in after closing the Mesh Grabber morphs are gone.

    Did you just use the basic Mesh Grabber translate, or did you use the rotate addon? Was it G8F or G8M. What is the base or a specific character.  I'll try to duplicate your problem as close as possible, so the more details you supply, the better. Do you have any before/after screenshots?

    I have the rotate add on but did not use it.  I used G8 female and simply tried to use Mesh Grabber to distort her abdomen.  

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,879

    OK, I have the rotate addon, too, but I won't use it. I'll use just the regular Mesh Grabber to distort the abdomen of basic G8F and report back on what happens. Stand by....

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,879
    edited July 2020

    It is working fine for me.  I am using DS Public Beta, which as far as I know is the same as DS What version of Daz Studio are you using?

    Here is a screenshot of Mesh Grabber in action, with the change to the abdomen.

    Then I saved the file, closed DS, and reopened DS and opened the saved file.

    G8F Mesh Grabber Abdomen.png
    1816 x 1976 - 455K
    G8F reloaded after save.png
    1816 x 1976 - 441K
    Post edited by barbult on
  • neomanneoman Posts: 75

    I have the latest DS version...  I wonder why it won't save for me.  The rest of the scene saves fine, just not the Mesh Grabber.  Could it be a setting?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,879

    I have the latest DS version...  I wonder why it won't save for me.  The rest of the scene saves fine, just not the Mesh Grabber.  Could it be a setting?

    Can you try just a simple base G8F like I did and see if that works (nothing else in the scene)? Maybe something else is interfering in some way. Does your G8F have any geografts, like "anatomical elements"? I've never tried it with geografts, so I don't know if that could be a problem or not. 

  • neomanneoman Posts: 75

    All I have are some dirt layers added to her.  I'll try a simple set up and see if the same thing happens.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,879
    edited July 2020

    If I use 7zip to uncompress the scene file and then open it in Notepad++, I see lines like this in the file. You could try the same thing and see if that kind of information is there. If it is there, that might mean that the problem occurs when the scene is reloaded rather than when it is saved. (Not that that helps you, but it could be a clue to debugging the problem.)


    "modifier_library" : [


    "id" : "MF_MeshGrabModifier",

    "name" : "MF_MeshGrabModifier",

    "parent" : "/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Genesis8Female.dsf#Genesis8Female",

    "extra" : [


    "type" : "studio/modifier/manfriday_mesh_grab_modifier",

    "mf_deltas" : {

    "count" : 354,

    "values" : [

    [ 0, 0, 0, 6.541322 ],

    [ 31, 0, 0, 6.802663 ],

    [ 44, 0, 0, 7.024967 ],

    [ 45, 0, 0, 7.185189 ],

    [ 46, 0, 0, 5.848104 ],

    [ 47, 0, 0, 2.388863 ],

    [ 48, 0, 0, 3.594279 ],

    [ 81, 0, 0, 6.420133 ],

    [ 90, 0, 0, 0.2975483 ],

    [ 91, 0, 0, 1.632433 ],

    [ 92, 0, 0, 2.928223 ],

    [ 102, 0, 0, 7.074565 ],

    [ 164, 0, 0, 1.050053 ],

    [ 933, 0, 0, 2.783159 ],

    [ 935, 0, 0, 0.003116608 ],

    [ 936, 0, 0, 0.9058495 ],

    [ 937, 0, 0, 1.886351 ],

    [ 940, 0, 0, 3.992447 ]

    Post edited by barbult on
  • neomanneoman Posts: 75

    Thanks.  I wil try.

  • neomanneoman Posts: 75

    Okay, so I tried to use mesh grabber on just a G8 female character with nothing else in the scene.  Created a morph and saved, exited out of the scene and back in and the morph was gone, just like before.  So...  The all morphs I create with Mesh Grabber are not saved.

    Is this a setting issue?  Do I need to re-install Mesh Grabber?  What is going on?

  • neomanneoman Posts: 75

    I really need help.  I tried unistalling Mesh Grabber and re-installing it and it still will not save in the scene.

    What good is it if it cannot be saved?

    This must be a bug?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,879

    First, let's clear up some terminology. Mesh Grabber does not create "morphs". The Mesh Grabber tool moves vertices in the mesh. The change in position of a vertex is called a delta. The XYZ deltas for each vertex moved by Mesh Grabber are stored in the scene file. You can see an excerpt of that in my post above. A "morph" is a separate file of delta information that is saved in the Data folder in the Content Library and not stored inside the scene file. It may seem like a trivial difference to you, but wrong terminology can lead to misunderstandings. I believe you are saying that the vertices that you moved with Mesh Grabber go back to their original position when you reload a saved file, right?

    Have you uncompressed one of your scene files and looked at it with a text editor like I did? If so, did you see any MF_MeshGrabModifier entries in the file?

    Have you posted a question in the PAs commecial thread for Mesh Grabber where he might see it and respond?

  • neomanneoman Posts: 75

     I believe you are saying that the vertices that you moved with Mesh Grabber go back to their original position when you reload a saved file, right?


    Yes..  It re-sets to the original position.  Sorry I do not know the correct "lingo".  I'm simply trying to get this thing to work properly.  I searched here for a direct link to ManFriday and could not find it.  Thanks for providing a link.

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