Crash when loading character

DAZ Studio crashes to the desktop whenever I try to load a scene or charecter. I am genrally using Genesis 8 derived charecters with morphs. Such as 200 Plus Head and Face Morphs for Genesis 8 Female(s), Genesis 8 Female Body Morphs and Genesis 8 Female Head Morphs
I am runing Windows 64 bit
Intel i7-8700K, 32GB
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti - Studio Driver 451.48
Generaly I find Daz Studio to be unstable. It frequently crashes to the desktop without error message or warning. Then seeingly crashes more frequently.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Geneis 8 basic files and all the morph products - same result..
Does any body know how o fix this and stabilze the software ?
Attached is a log file of most recent crash.
Thanks in advance for any help.

It doesdn't appear to have anything obviously related to the crashes. I would suggest trying to do a complete uninstall and reisntall of the video drivers (using DDU, probably).
Thanks Richard. I did that with DDU and it did not help. I am using Studio Driver 451.48 which previosly worked fine. I suspect a crashing video game messed everythin up? Maybe I have to reinstall Windows ?
I suppose it may come to that - it certainly isn't normal behaviour, and it does sound to be display-related.
Is there some magic setting in Nvidia control panel that should be made for DAZ Studio specially ?
Not in geenral, though if you have a CPU with its own GPU as well as the nVidia it's a good idea to make sure that DS iss et to use the nVidia device.