Post Denoiser is on but won't kick in

I'm having a weird issue where the Post Denoiser won't activate. I thought that maybe the render finishes before the Denoiser could kick in, but that's not the case. The render hits max samples limit with the Denoiser never kicking in. Maybe it's because there isn't enough VRAM for the denoiser? I'm using 5.8 GB/6 GB before the denoiser kicks in, but there's a catch, the denoiser has kicked in during these circumstances.
Current render settings:
- Post Denoiser Enabled
- Post Denoiser Active
- Post Denoiser Start Iteration: 1000
- Firefly Filter Enabled
- Max Samples: 1500
I think I answered my own question, it's because I didn't have enough VRAM for it to kick in.
I don't think that's entirely the denoiser's fault. I have seen IRAY behave this way even if I don't use the denoiser - the render takes for example 6GB, and goes on for 30 minutes, and after that, it suddenly goes to 6.3GB. I have no idea why though.