Regarding breaking of figure after using morph loader pro to load morphs

So I exported the g8f base mesh to zbrush and did some pretty major sculpting and then imported those details as a morph using the morph loader pro. The only issue is that when applying the morph it seems to break the jaw pretty badly. Her teeth for some reason pop/stretch out of her mouth. I can't seem to understand what went wrong. The sculpted base mesh did not have such an issue.
Also and this is a more minor issue compared to the above I forgot that the gen 8 figure default pose was the A pose and not the T pose. So I sculpted the base gen 8 figure with the T pose instead of an A pose so now when I load the morph she always starts with a T pose instead of an A pose. is there any way I can correct this?
With the figure posed/sahped to match its state when you exported redo the Moprh Loader pro and this time turn on Reverse Deformations in the options under the morph file in the dialogue (click the triangle next to the name to show the options).
That's the thing it's not like I kept the pose. I had a closer look at the sculpted model. The model isn't in a perfect T pose the elbows and the fingers seem to be slightly bent. I can use an approximate pose sure but would that work with Reverse Deformations? What exactly does it do.
Well I used an approximation and it seems to deform the fingers very badly. I really appreciate the help by the way Richard
It may be that the pose is not correct, in which case it will apply unwanted chnages to the mesh. If you didn't keep the posedo you still have the OBJ you exported? If so, try zeroing the figure, import the exported OBJ as a morph and set it to 100%, then import the modified OBJ as a morph and this time use Reverse Deformations - I think that will get just the changes you made.