What steps should I take in preparation for exporting my DAZ Figures/assets for animation in Unity?

I've rendered high quality still frames and animations in DAZ3D before, and have the gist down. I've also made many experimental games in Unity (without cutscenes - games for the sake of having fun, minimal story).
However, I've had thoughts of experimenting with making characters and animating them within DAZ, but decimating them, exporting them, and animating a short film in real-time within The Unity Game Engine. Sort of like what Disney did for The Lion King remake, but more in line with modern video game graphics are capable of, so the "movie" can play in engine via an EXE on the downloader's desktop. A personal tech demo, if you will. (I'm doing it because it's cool, not because it's a realistic use of such talents.)
I'm just wondering if there are any tools, content/asssets, or exporting/importing tips either for DAZ or Unity that you would recommend for completing such a task? I'll figure out more as I go along, but I figured I'd ask here as a "Quick Tips" page before I really get started.
Attached: Test Render of the character I plan to use in this animation. (Pre-decimation/optimizations)