Trying to addhear bodysuit, mesh breaking?

I've found other posts that have gotten me close, but I cannot make this item match with my character where I can move both in and her as if she is wearing it.
My end goal is to be able to have this item follow her, but allow me the ability to take it out into ZBrush and bring it back in updated. (I have question on how this would be possible in the future, but for the meantime, I'd be happy getting her in the right pose that I can at least try to sculpt over.)

I have given the model an "X pose" to attempt to fit the suit. When I tried to offset her original shape so that the suit would be thick enough to be "on" her skin, there was colision under her arms and between her legs, hence, the pose where those areas are able to be expanded. 


I have given the suit a rigging (?) that I am now unable to divorce from it, apparently. The suit is already the right shape, imo, so if I could have the rigging inside match her, I would hope that she and the suit's volume would move with no problems.


I have tried the transfer utility option. Source > current with the figure (genesis 8 female), and Target > Current with the suit. "Reverse source shape from target" is turned on. No other defaults have been checked or changed. The result gives me some undesirable geometry, uh, everywhere, especially the shoulders and hips.


This is her in the desired pose.


I've heard about weight mapping, but don't understand it? I would love some help if anyone has any advice please!


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,694

    I don't think I understand where you are starting from.

    First, where the bodysuit origins from?

    If you have modelled it yourself, it is usually best to model against the default character, and then you do a transfer rigging. If your target mesh is significantly different than the base character you can modify it to fit your target mesh and make it a morph.

    Weight painting is used for painting the influence of the different bones, i.e. if you want the some mesh to be controlled more of other bones than the usually nearest. But I don't really see much use for it in a tight bodysuit.

    If it is a bodysuit you have just found somewhere without being specifically modelled to a character, you might be able to solve issues using mesh grabber

    You might also be able to scale it up, and then apply dForce with a contraction-expansion setting below 100, if the bodysuit is properly modelled to support dForce.

  • Thank you Felis--

    I had taken the base character into zBrush and used te thicken command to get a shape that I was pleased with. How would I make it a morph? Would that not change the shape of the character, also?

    I'm not sure what the difference is with modeling something for a positioned character versus a character in the base pose. Is the starting point for the rigging the most inportant part?

    If I re-model the fit to be against the skin, will I still be able to use my final pose?

  • The bodysuit was made by me by ofsetting the skin's surface from the original model. I've redone it, and modeled against the character like you said, and now have this:

    I don't understand how to make it a morph now though. Ideally I would be able to take it into zbrush, sculpt on top of it and have it update itself on the model. This is what I'd like to get the suit to look like, eventually.


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