Content DB Editor/Manager

This is something that happens every time I update DAZ, and I'm wondering if there's a faster way. I create content (though I'm not a DAZ artist). Every time I update DAZ, my content files lose their cute little tags that say "Wearable", or "Actor", or whatever the case may be. So I have to go into the content DB editor for each product and tell it AGAIN what the product type, category, audience, etc all are. This is incredibly annoying. Updates aren't the only time this happens by the way, it happens if for instance I decide to move a folder or a .duf file from one place to another as I organize the product and make changes.
There HAS to be a better way. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Don't move the files and the database referencs will still be valid - you can always place links where you want as a way to organise, or use categories. Still, if you have applied your own metadata updating DS shouldn't overwrite that. What are you steps to update when this happens?
Save the user_data or individual metadata if you have created tags. In case of any lose you can reimport them and recover your custom tags.
As Richard said, don't move files.
If you want it, do it only once when you install your product and redoing the metadata because the old won't work if items are moved. Then, don't move your items anymore. The next time that need items in other organization create custom folders and save metadata to save them.
Ok I had to take a few days of deep breaths before responding here. First of all, thank you both for taking the time to respond.
Second, just so y'all know, I use the DAZ Content pane to move, rename, etc rather than explorer. Now, as an old hand with System Administration, it occurs to me that if a software program has a file management capability, and that software program keeps a database, it would follow that the software program would update its database when changes are made. This is the reason I felt compelled to post the question. From your responses, I take it that DAZ is incapable of updating its database in terms of file and asset management.
In my opinion, this is a bug (or perhaps a needed feature). However, again, THANK YOU both for at least making me aware that I'm dealing with an invalided function :P
If you move files inside DS the databsse will update. However, Install Manager uses a separate way of tracking files (since the database uses relative paths and it needs absolute) and that is why updates may be an issue.
I have a habit of not being clear enough on this forum. I said that when I use DS to move files, it does NOT update the database. And with this latest version of DS, not only does my tag not appear when I use DS to move files, NEWLY CREATED FILES do not have the associated metadata. In other words, not "wearable" or "wardrobe" or anything even with newly saved assets that have not been moved. This issue I only recently noticed.
Now there's a morph problem. I've been creating morphs in Blender and importing them into DS for several years now, and with this version, suddenly my mesh explodes when I test the morph much of the time. There seems to be no rhyme or reason, it just decides it's going to not work.
I take the the answer is to simply accept the situation and that it is my fault for not understanding that this is a broken software much of the time, and that if I complain I will be put on probation or banned. I think they run things that way in Beijing, LOL. I don't mean to be personal and certainly am grateful the help and advice, I really am. But please, DAZ, FIX YOUR SOFTWARE! ;)
NOTE: I wonder if DS has considered that postresql is a piece of something you wouldn't want on your floor. The rest of the software world has considered this. Perhaps a change is in order?
That does sound like a problem with the CMS or communication with it. PostgreSQL was chosen as an improvement over valentina, and for the mosat part it is - however, dataabse are complex beasts and things can go wrong.
As for the morph import, check that Blender has been told to preserve vertex order (if by explode you mean scrambled); if it's just growing larger as the morph is applied then check that Blender is not applying any scaling etc. and that you are using the same preset in the OBJ export and morph import dialogue.
I do get frustrated at times. My Blender preset for exporting morphs is the same as it's always been. What has changed is the Daz version, so the problem isn't with the Blender export (although I did check just to be sure I was in the real world, lol). I reinstalled DS again, and now my tags show up with new content, but moving items to a subfolder from within the content library still drops the tag and the metadata. Morphs are still problematic although they're beginning to behave a little better (I still get scrambling sometimes, and in those cases I end up having to delete things from the data folder for the project I'm on and then, usually, I have to import the mesh as an object and re-export it using Daz Studio scale, then load it with the morph loader. This happens about 40% of the time, I would say. There seems to be nothing I can correlate that with. It just decides that it doesn't like Blender sometimes. Very temperamental, although as I said, not as bad as it was. I had gotten comfortable with importing morph meshes and having them work unless I made a mistake. That had been pretty reliable as of 4.10 for me, and I was still happy with the first 4.12. This one that came along with DazCentral is where some of these ghosts reappeared. I'm using version Pro 64 bit.
Question about DazCentral: I uninstalled it because I felt that it wasn't giving me a feeling of control -- I know that sounds goofy, but it's true. Sometimes I just don't "feel" right about a software. Could these issues have anything to do with the fact that I initially installed this version via DazCentral and then tossed it?