Can't even uninstall Daz! pic included.

So after weeks of frustation with catatrphic issues one after another with DAZ(mostly Daz's internal technical issues) I attempt to reinstall the app to see if there's any improvement, but to my surpise, Daz can't even be found in win 10's uninstall manager!  tried to use both Daz uninstall manager and windows uninstall manager but just as with most things in DAZ, NOTHING IS WORKING!   When I tried to uninstall from Daz's uninstall manager -> click uninstall -> lead you to windows uninstall manager -> no Daz app found even when it's installed correct on my C driver as default.  then mannually opened windows uninstall manager, same thing 

Tho I can still mannually delete all Daz's folders but it can potentially leads to another issue when i reinstall Daz, but I just don't get it, why you guys at DAZ FAIL so much???

1670 x 944 - 44K
735 x 1506 - 570K


  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805

    Uninstal Daz through DIM

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,882

    How did you install? If you used Install manager then you unisntall by finding it in the Installed tab and clicking the Uninstall button next to it, or check DS and its plug-ins and the click the Process Queue button at bnottom-left

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