Dreamlight Studio Light PRO v4.6

robinskirobinski Posts: 6
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Page 15 Dreamlight SLP ds4.6 Documentation states:

Just as the Super Spot the Soft Box comes in 5 resolutions: Basic, Draft, Low,
Medium & High.

Your released product currently has one resolution for the Superspot . Standard.

Q - Is it your intention to change this to support the same multiple resolutions for Superspot or did you just forget??

I do not feel reluctant in any way to pay for good products, however when the features mentioned in your documentation DO NOT show up or work it then becomes questionable.

If these features are excluded the program is useless to me for what I work with. If that is the case I want a full refund and I'll be taking my case directly to DAZ .


  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    As the Global moderator for the Dreamlight Club Forums, I just sent the link to your post to the Dreamlight Support Desk.

    I, myself, don't have DS 4.6, so I'm unfamiliar with this product. Hopefully well have a response for you soon, though I don't know if that will be before Monday.

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Hi robinski, I just received an email response from Waldemar Belwon (a/k/a Dreamlight), and he stated the following:

    "It's a typo in the user guide.
    Soft Box comes in 5 resolutions, while Super Spot 1.


    I hope this sufficiently answers your question.

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