"Complex" Scenes crashing Daz during Render

Hi all, need some help when rendering complex scenes? Over the past week some suspicious things were happening on my PC, which I eventually chalked up to a rootkit virus I've picked up somewhere. I wiped my PC yesterday, and my issue has been fixed, almost. I was unable to render a scene with multiple models/environment, and it caused this error:


DAZStudio.exe caused UNKNOWN_ERROR in module "C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll" at 0033:00000000B7D2A799, RaiseException()+105 byte(s)


I can now render more complex scenes, but this has just happened again with two animals in the scene. Does anyone know what this is, or why? Is there a fix? Thanks in advance everyone, I'm very new to Daz so I don't even know where to begin.


  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805

    Before anything else how did you wipe the system? rootkits are nasty things.

  • NerevarineNerevarine Posts: 177

    A complete reset of the entire thing, all windows data restored from initial install, all personal data wiped from all drives. Looking into my system32 folders, nothing seems out of the ordinary, and process manager is no longer showing tons of actions from random software, nor photos being taken on my webcam - so, I'm hoping its all well and fine again now (but I know nothing about PCs, so feel free to tell me I should probably just throw the whole thing out).

  • I'm trying to render the lion cub and the gnus by Alessandro, in two separate files.  One is two cubs and grass.  The other is just three gnus, nothing else.  Not having any luck at all.  On my desktop, which does not have Nvidia, it stalls and freezes.   The gnus on my laptop, which has Nvidia, come back after about a minute, completely blank.  I updated all my drivers and the same result.  I just rendered a complex scene on my desktop yesterday without a hitch.  Any ideas?

  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805
    edited July 2020

    A complete reset of the entire thing, all windows data restored from initial install, all personal data wiped from all drives. Looking into my system32 folders, nothing seems out of the ordinary, and process manager is no longer showing tons of actions from random software, nor photos being taken on my webcam - so, I'm hoping its all well and fine again now (but I know nothing about PCs, so feel free to tell me I should probably just throw the whole thing out).

    That won't have cleared it.

    You are going to low level format all the drives most likely. there should be a good set of instructions on that specific root kit on one of the AV sites.

    Post edited by kenshaw011267 on
  • I'm having the issue, did you ever fixed the problem ? 

  • CoryllonCoryllon Posts: 284

    Rootkits might need to be cleared at the the BIOS level where the sometimes hide. There are bootable AV scanners that run off a seperate OS to your windows that you can use. 


    I recommend this one. I've used it to wipe countless people's drives. of viruses, Some hide in the boot sector, others in the BIOS. I would start with the BIOS, which means downloading it from the manufacturer of your PC, and reinstalling then using the rescue drive listed in the link. I do not think this is caused by a rootkit, although you certainly had one, but a more thorough cleaning should be performed. 

    After this then people can start troubleshooting the issue.

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