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I'm not sure if my issue is exactly the same but it's close enough I figured I could post in here so it doesn't get flagged as a double post.
I recently bought a new computer and installed Daz Studo. I transferred all of my purchased assets via a USB harddrive. I did not want to download them again because I've done a lot of maintenance to file structures such as taking clothing out of folders for the artist name, dropping dForce from titles, etc. It all transferred but then my Smart Content was broken. I use that pretty extensively for props and tried to fix it by searching the forums and grabbing my 'cms' folder from my original computer. After doing this when I opened my smart content it recognized everything I had. But five minutes later I went back in and it only saw 18 or so items owned/installed. Another five minutes later and it was up to 177. Then back down to 27. It's been fluctuating with no rhyme or reason.
It got the point that I broke down and went into Daz Install Manager to redownload and install everything I owned on the new computer. I figured it was overwriting what was in the same spot but I could go through and fix file structures again and delete duplicates. When I opened Daz Studio, all of my installs were there in Smart Content so I thought my issue was resolved. Five minutes later I went to grab a prop and I was back down to 21 items in my Smart Content folder.
What do I do here? If the issue is that I took the cms folder from my old computer and now it's conflicting since I redownloaded and installed everything, can I just delete the cms folder and have it recompile all of the items I own and have downloaded?
What you're seeing is exactly what I've been seeing on the machine having problems, the number of missing items was fluctuating as well. And that was with a brand new, completely clean Windows and Studio install, no CMS data transferred over from a previous machine at all. Personally, I think there's something wrong with the way the current build of studio is reading the database. I've been noticing that my smart content is refreshing itself frequently while i'm working in Studio, much more frequently than I ever noticed it do it before. I don't know if the two are related or not.
Hello All. On Aug 8, something happened to corrupt Windows 10 on my less than one-year old laptop. I could log in to Safe Mode only without getting the blue screen of death. My only option seemed to be a local reset of the computer. I put in a trouble ticket to the computer's manufacturer and after working with a tech by phone, he came to the same conclusion. I did a complete local reset of Windows on August 11; all installed software was wiped. When I reinstalled DS the same day, all of my content had grey thumbnails; none was showing as installed. However, since I had originally installed all of the content to an external drive via DIM, it was all still there. Yet still, DS showed it as not installed even after I pointed DS to the externally installed content. I used DIM to install a few items and they appeared as installed in Smart Content and Content. If I double click on the duf file in my external DS library of a product that DS states is not installed, it loads in DS with no problem, though. I'd prefer not have to have reinstall 1200+ itmes - even via DIM.
Was there a recent update to Daz Studio? I'll be honest, I was still using Daz 4.11 before buying the new computer. I didn't have an install for 4.11 so I got the most recent install from the website. I’m not aware how frequently the software is updating but if you’re right and this is just an issue with the most recent release, hopefully it is resolved shortly.
I finally heard back from Daz, after 19 days with no response to the ticket at all, and their recomendation was to nuke the Daz install completely, down to %APPDATA% and then reinstall it. Which is what I did a week before they bothered to respond, and still had the issue.
Yeah, I tried that as well. I even went so far as to redownload and reinstall my entire content library, which took literally an entire day. Turned out to be a waste of time
It almost always is, barring certain very specific ways things can go wrong. Note that uninstalling/reinstalling the DAZ|Studio program doesn't affect the DAZ|Studio content, and vice versa. It has to be that way, otherwise every program update would mess up everyone's content files. In many cases like this, the problem is either the program or the content database, so there's no need to touch the installed content files.
Did we ever find a solution to this? DS on my Surface is in one of those moods again, where it's not recognizing my most recent purchases in Smart Content, but they're showing up just fine on my main computer.
Everyone who's having this issue: Is your content library in a non-default location? Mine is on an external drive. I'm wondering if it might be a permissions issue.