Scale up or scale down?

I am thinking about creating a scene where everything looks very large in comparison to the Genesis figures. My question is, is it better to scale down the genesis figures or scale up the scene items. I am asking this because I don't know if there are any issues introduced by doing it one way over the other. Of course there is the issue of texture resolution, but outside of that, are there any other issues I should be aware of?
Thanks for any replies.
Scale the Figures down since you will presumably have fewer of them. Texture resolutions aren't likely to be an issue. Besides, if you have many Genesis X figures your render will probably fail to CPU.
You know, you have nothing to lose by adding onw scene element and one Genesis X figure w/ clothing and hair, then scaling the Figure. See for yourself.
The only major issue you could have is with dForce. If you scale the character down that could cause some issues with simulating any dForce garments on it. Otherwise you'll be far better off scaling the figure down.
Try scaling down first. If it doesn't work then try the other way. (or load the character, dress, pose, simulate, scale down, then merge into the scene).
Thanks for the replies fastbike1 and kenshaw011267. I had tried doing some tests as fastbike1 suggested but I was looking to see if anyone had any further advice before I went any further. Good to know about the potential dForce issue. Thanks for that kenshaw011267.
Also be sure to check bump/displacement/normal map strength.
Well I found it weird personnaly to think about scaling the Genesis. Rigged objects are way more subject to complex constraints. Whereas props, environments, etc. are probably not at all. Just a bunch of wireframe.
What I always do, and it never caused any issue : Put all your objects in a group. And scale that group. You can make your scene as huge or tiny as you want. While your Genesis will remain the same.
Doing so will prevent any computation errors, especially when it comes to physics (dForce) that rely on scale values.
Everything's relative. A character is not small or big. It seems small or big because of what's around. So just change what's around. As long as it's unrigged props, you're sure it won't generate any issue.
Set the props/assets/environment size at frame 0 of course. And you're good to go.
Thanks hansolocambo and fixmypcmike. That is good advice.