Working on keyframe poses/morphs modifies frame 0

I keep the avatar in default A-pose at frame 0. All Morphs, expressions, etc set at 0. Pure default pose.
I then work my pose(s) at any other keyframe.
When I come back to frame 0 some articulations are changed and often morphs are set to crazy high values.
So I set back everything at 0 on that first timeline frame. But doing so modifies my work on the other frames >:[
I tried saving the pose per frame / Setting back frame 0 to neutral morph and default A-Pose / Loading back poses-morphs for each other keyframe. Doing so seems to work for a while, but after some time working on the animation, frame 0 will be modified again...
I tried to set the whole animation to Linear but it doesn't help.
How are we supposed to work on an animation if working on 1 keyframe changes values of everything around ?
Any insight on that issue would be most welcomed.
What product / set of poses are you using? Most of them will not do this, but there are a few (for example Pose Architect by 3DUniverse) that will and they are meant to be used differently. Knowing the product might help diagnose the issue.
A rotation of any articulation doesn't mean the use of a particular bundle. It means using the basics of DAZ rig. Sometimes my frame 0 will have some random rotation of an articulation, sometimes it won't.
Never used Pose Architect sorry. Would have liked that to be the answer ;) Thanks for the idea though :)
For the morphs, it's the same as rotating articulations. Sometimes it happens sometimes it doesn't. Doesn't matter which morph bundle is used. Mine or paid ones.
From time to time, sliders modified along the animation, affect the precedent frames. It's not something I can reproduce 10 times. It just happens with all my scenes, but without any kind of regularity. I can't point to a specific bundle or action that would cause that. It feels very random.
Of my 67 last still scenes. It happened more or less every time. No big deal. But I just don't get it : In any 3d animation program (that I know of) it's always been the same idea : keyframes are DEFINED by the user. What's between keyframes is interpolated. But a program that changes some values of your own keyframes is just a bug. Not a morph bundle issue.